Chapter 23

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Weiss's POV

"I can't believe someone had the guts to break into such a high security building, let alone one of the towers." I couldn't believe that it had happened.

"I couldn't stop her..." Ruby said softly as she sat on my bed.

"Ruby you can't blame yourself," I immediately said before sitting down next to her.

"You weren't there..." She started but Yang bursted into the room.

"What room does Ancelote team stay in?" She asked/yelled causing Ruby and I to jump and Blake to look up from her book.

"403, why?" Blake asked sounding curious.

"Ancelote is in the hospital." Yang panted as she quickly bolted down the hall.

Something took control of me and I bolted out of the room and after what seemed like hours of running I found myself at the hospital and Ruby made her way next to me and held my hand.

"We heard a friend of ours is here." Ruby said softly to the man at the front desk of the hospital.

"What is her name?"

"Ancelote Lum." I said softly.

"I'm sorry I couldn't hear what you said."

"She said Ancelote Lum." Ruby said louder than I could.

Shortly the man looked up where she was and I found myself running again with fading voices of people telling me not to. I was going to take the elevator but it was taking too long so I ended up running up two flights of stairs and half way down a  brightly lit hallway.

I was outside her door and I froze. I was scared of the condition she would be in when I opened the door and saw her in the hospital bed.

"Are you ready to go in?" Ruby whispered softly into my ear as she softly squeezed my hand and grabbed the door knob with her free hand.

All I could do was nod my head softly as I took a deep breath.

When we entered the room to find Ancelote talking to a girl with a golden tan and blonde hair with pink tips.

"Hey, I'm guessing these are some of your friends?" The girl smiled at us, "I'll be back I need to get something to eat and I think you might want to catch them up with what happened."

She smiled at us before she passed by and exited the room.


"I was following Ruby the other night and  lost her and found a girl, who ended up stabbing me." She stated and laughed. "The bitch poisoned her blade and almost killed me."  She was smiling.

"Oh..." I started.

"Something is gonna happen, something big, I read the paper and I know what the person Ruby followed did, well breaking in at least, but I know she did more. She took something big or placed something big into the system." She refused to look at us and her smile turned into a frown.

"When you talked about being stabbed, why were you smiling?" Ruby questioned as she completely ignored the last part of the statement.

"I'm not sure if its the drugs they are pumping into me or the feeling of my aura actually starting to help keep me safe and help me survive,  but my bet is on the drugs, this stuff helps with relaxing and making me feel good." She started to laugh even more.

"You're really not yourself right now." I said as I laughed softly.

"I am, but just a relaxed me." She sounded serious and held a serious face for about thirty seconds until she started laughing again.

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