Chapter 22

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Ancelote's POV

I showed up to the dance and when I walked in someone yelled something I couldn't quite understand, but it apparently drew attention to me because over half of the people in the room watched me as I walked down the stairs.

"Lookin sharp," some random girl said as I passed by.

I made my way to a familiar crimson haired girl I saw wearing a short red dress. Then I saw Yang standing next to Ruby and Jaune and they seemed to be conversing.

"Hey, what did I miss?" I asked casually as I made my way to standing next to them.

"You cut your hair," Yang said as she walked around me and examined me. "It looks good especially with that suit." She went back to her original place next to Ruby.

Ruby seemed to be surprised I was in a suit, then her gaze got drawn to who ever was behind me and her expression changed to a saddened one. I turned to see Weiss messing with a wilted flower and Jaune looked pissed and vanished.

"Wow your helpless," I said softly. "Ruby, after this song ask her to dance I'm sure she'll say yes."

"How can you be so sure?" Ruby asked and Yang left us and started talking to someone.

"Trust me." I winked at her, "just call my your fairy gaymother. I know how to being some people together." I laughed and shortly the song ended and Ruby went of and talked to Weiss as a up beat song started to play.

The last time I looked over to them they seemed to be enjoying themselves so I headed out to the balcony that over looked the city.

I wasn't the only person here. For some reason Pyrah was here and Jaune just past by me with a look of determination on his face.

"Rough night?" I asked because as I got closer to her I noticed she looked lonely.

"Lonely nights." She looked off in the distance.

"You're the only girl I've seen in a long dress tonight." I said as I tried to start a conversation.

"I'm not much of a short dress type of girl." She looked off in the distance then straighten up and turned to leave. "I'm going to go get a drink, you coming?"

"Nah, I'm gonna chill out here a bit more." I turned back to face the view of the city.

After a few minutes I heard someone ask, "Do you want a smoke?"

I turned around and it turned around and Arthur was there.

"You still smoke?" I was surprised and then a bit of anger started to fill me.

"You cut your hair," he said as he reached out to touch my hair and I flinched as his hand drew closer. "And to answer your question not as much as I use to."

He held the pack out to me but I shook my head and put my hand up. "I can't forget what you've done?" I said softly. "But I'm willing to move on and accept that it happened. Bit I don't forgive you."

"I don't blame you." He stepped away as he lit his cigarette. "I've done a lot of bad things and I'm not done with them yet. I am meant to do this and its the only thing I'm good at. Its the only way I will get the respect I deserve."

"Respect? Seriously?" I hit the cigarette out of his hand causing a burn to my wrist. "You are the most respected person I know."

"Yea and every time I do something good I lose that respect. I've lost almost all of your respect and everyone at this school. You don't get that I need respect to be happy. "

"You know fuck you. The only respect you should care about are those who love you but you can't even do that." I was close to yelling at him.

"You act like you're so innocent. I've seen you do things you've run away for days at a time and come back almost dead because you saw someone do something to hurt someone."

"At least I'm not going around raping and killing people just because I can. Or starting battles over things that could be talked out."

"You will see me during the group match on Tuesday and the two on twos on Wednesday. I'm going to be busy during the finals. So father already had the papers that show I signed off my rights to Lavender. I'm leaving." He started to walk away.

I couldn't help but ask him, "you're gonna do something bad aren't you?"

"I need to help a friend download something. So I'll see you Tuesday."

After he left I made my way down stairs and I saw almost everyone dancing I noticed Ruby stood over to the side while she watched Weiss and a boy with blue hair and goggles danced.

"Ok Ruby we are going to dance you can't sit over her all sad and lonely." I drug her out to the rest of the group and we danced. After a while Yang and Blake we're dancing together and Weiss made her way to dance with Ruby and it seemed to upset the guy she was dancing with.

I looked over and I saw Jaune was no longer in a suit but a dress instead and I started to laugh.

It eventually got to hot and I stepped out and started to head back to the dorms. When I noticed Ruby running off from the dance. She appeared to be chasing after something. For some reason I decided to follow her, but I quickly lost her when I ran into a girl with brown and pink hair for some reason she was carrying an umbrella.

"Are you lost?" I asked as I looked around for any sign of her parents.

She shook her head no before walking around me examining me like a was a piece of merchandise.

She appeared to be about 13 or 14 years old, but something was off about her.

"Are you waiting for someone?"

This time she nodded her head, but shortly after a set of alarms went off. When I turned my attention to the alarm I felt a piercing pain in my side.

"Neo you were supposed to keep look out, but I guess a little death is more fun than just watching people pass by." It took me a second to recognize the red headed man in a suit and bowler hat walked over to us, at first I didn't realize he was Roman Torchwick.

"What are you doing here?" I gasped out as I noticed blood spilling from my side as the girl pulled a blade out of me and placed it to complete her umbrella.

"Well we can leave you to die or we could just finish you. What do you think sweetheart?" He looked to the girl and she tapped her foot before turning around and leaving. "Hey I'm just helping Cinder out, cause she made me a promise." She turned back around and glared at him. "Ok your right, less bodies less tracks besides we have a lot more dust to collect. Well can't have to much fun."

He left me there alone in the dark streets. I was about to just give up and stay where I was, but I realized I had a reason to keep fighting so I started to pull myself to the nearest building with lights on.

It was strange it felt like my aura was trying to heal me but it was also fighting something inside of me. The first thought that came to mind was poison. Did she really poison me?

Things slowly started to get fuzzy and I head someone murmur something before I head another person yell, "get the car we need to take her to the hospital."

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