Chapter 47

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Ancelote's POV

I woke up with a killer headache after a few minutes of being awake I had to run to the bathroom to throw up.

"Hey. Glad to see you're awake now." Yang walked into the bathroom. "How's the hang over?"

"I've had worse." I was sitting next to the toilet with my knees to my chest. "Its been quite a while though."

"They still suck." She sat down across the room from me.

Before I could speak again I threw up again. Yang quickly got up and ran out of the bathroom. She returned with a drink.

"Here this should help a bit. At least with the vomiting." She handed me the drink and to started to drink it. "I know it doesn't taste the best but it works at least for me it does."

I finished the drink and sat there for a few minutes. I would talk but I wasn't sure what to say to her. I don't remember most of anything about yesterday what I do remember is a bit of a blur and I'm not exactly sure what is real and what my mind made up.

"So about last night..." Yang finally broke the silence.

"Yea. I'm sorry if I upset you at all. I was hurting so I decided to ease a bit of the pain by numbing my brain." I leaned my head against the back of the toilet and it had a nice cool feel to it.

"Don't worry about it. You didn't upset me." She smiled at me.

I didn't feel like I was going to puke anymore so I slowly stood up. I still had a headache and I couldn't walk in a straight line.

"Maybe you should go back to bed?" She immediately went to my side and helped me walk. "I also would like to talk to you a bit." 

"Ok." I started to feel uneasy as she helped me sit down on the bed.

"There are some things you said last night I wanted to ask you about." She sat down next to me. "You started rambling on about your mother and father, and started getting really depressing and talking about killing yourself. Do I need to admit you to the hospital?"

"No, I can be a depressing drunk sometimes. Most of the time I am the lovey dovey type, especially to..." I cut myself off and stopped talking and looked out the window.

"Especially to who?" She stood up and kneeled down I front of me.

"Its nothing." I looked at her and I could tell she didn't believe me.

"You also rambled on about how you said you don't deserve for people to love you and that you love... Someone." She had a different expression on her face now but I couldn't read it.

"I... Who did I say?" I asked.

"You said that you love me." I kinda hoped she wouldn't answer me, but I did ask so it didn't surprise me she that she did.

I started to breathe heavier and my heart felt like it would explode at any moment. This headache didn't help things either.

"Is it true?" She looked up at me with hopeful eyes. I couldn't help but look at her and get lost in those beautiful purple gems. "Well?" She asked bringing me back to reality.

"Yes." I said softly and it brought a smile to her face and I'm sure I was blushing like crazy right now. "I said it before."

"You said it being the first time with someone you love. Implying me. That is different from directly saying I love you."

"I guess you have a point there."

She suddenly surprised me by kissing me. I started to kiss her back and she started to lay me down on the bed.

"Hey I'm sorry. I can't." I pushed her off of me. I didn't try to sit up I just laid there and looked at the ceiling. "I love you Yang I really do. I can't do this with you yet. If I do take things further that means I am risking you. I can't keep risking the people I love for my happiness."

"I can handle myself, I'm not like your daughter, I am a trained fighter. I don't need you to worry about me getting hurt." She sat up and moved to where I was pinned. "I love you too. Can't you see that. I wasn't going to do anything this time except kiss you. I respect you and what you want."

"I'm sorry. I guess I was more scared about me going there." I looked to the side so I couldn't see her face.

"I'm not going to ever force you to do anything. And I sure as hell won't do anything while you're drunk even if you try to talk me into doing stuff." She got off of me and stood up.

"Did I try to do that last night?" I asked after I thought about what she had said to me.

"A lot of flirting and then I carried you to your bed you kept on trying to talk me into it until I tucked you in." She moved and sat down on Ruby's bed.

"I don't remember that..."

"How much did you drink last night?" She was looking at me like she was studying me.

"I lost count after two bottles of whiskey." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Ok, come on let's go." Yang stood up and reached her hand over to me.

"Where are we going?" I took her hand and stood up.

"You need to get something other than booze in your stomach." She drug me out of the room and down to the kitchen. "What do you feel like eating?"

"You choose my head hurts too much to think anymore." I sat down at the table and hid my head under my arms.

"Hey Ancey?" I poked my head up and looked at her. "My dad is gonna be gone for most of the day running errands. So I was thinking later if you are feeling up to it do you want to go on a picnic, and maybe I can show you what I learned about this arm." She raised her robotic arm in the air and a ray of sun light reflected off of it and into my eye.

"Agh!" I said as I covered my eyes.

"I'm sorry!" Yang freaked out and closed the blinds.

I uncovered my eyes and looked at her. "Don't worry about it. And yea that would sound great and I'm curious about what that arm can do." She winked at me before turning around to continue what she was doing.

After a little bit she placed a plate of French toast in front of me and set another one for herself.

"Do you want some coffee?"

"I'll get it." She pushed me back down into my seat.

"Just eat, I got it. Do you want anything in it?" She walked over to the cabinet and grabbed two coffee cups.

"I'm fine with just black." I looked at the food and cut a small piece off.

Before I took a bite she placed a cup of coffee next to my plate and sat down across the table from me.

"Eat up, before it gets cold." She started eating and I shortly followed.

"Hey did I say anything embarrassing last night?" I broke the silence of the room.

"Well you may have said a couple things." She smirked at me. "But if you want to know you have to beat me in a fight."

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