Chapter 28

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Ancelote's POV

I made it up to sit with the rest of my team and I noticed Weiss was bent over in front of the seat closest to Uriah. When I walked closer I was she was talking to Lavender.

"Well what's my little angel doing here?" I asked when I walked a bit closer.

Lavender immediately shot out of the seat and ran over to me. "Mommy, this girl is really nice." She drug me over to Weiss and forced me to sit in my seat so she could climb her way up to sit in my lap.

"I know she is." I whispered in her ear.

"Ancelote I know you said you had a daughter. But you didn't say she was this cute." She sounded so childish the way she was talking.

"Good job Mommy!" Lavender cheered, "you are a good hero knight."

Weiss awed at Lavender, "you should bring her to see the rest of the team."

"Can I mommy? I want to see more hero knights."  She gave me the cutest puppy dog eyes.

"I'll be right back guys," I said to Uriah and quincy as I stood up. "Ok let's go."

I picked up Lavender so we could get through the crowd of people easier and with out stepping on any feet.

"Weiss there you are I was starting to worry," Ruby stood up and then she noticed me holding Lavender and her jaw dropped.

"Lavender this is all of team RWBY." I said as I put her down.

"She looks a lot like you." Blake said as she looked at Lavender who seemed to be just starring at them.

Kneeled down to her and she turned to face me. "Are all girl hero knights pretty?" She whispered to me.

I laughed a little bit and turned her around. "Guys this is Lavender, my daughter."

"She really is cute, and I can actually see her better than when we were at the dress shop." Yang said as she kneeled down to her. "Hey do you want a cookie?"

"Can I mommy?" She turned to me and I nodded my head to her.

"Ruby do you want one too?" Yang turned to her sister.

"Do you even have to ask?" Weiss asked jokingly.

"Ancelote do you want to come with me to get them?" We both stood up, "I'm sure they won't mind watching Lavender, I would like to talk to you."

"Oh yea sure. Lavender do you want to talk to the hero knights while I go get you a cookie?"

"Yes!" She yelled excitedly.

When we got out of range of them yang asked, "how is it going being a mother?"

"I'm not exactly sure yet.  So far I've probably spent only ten hours total with her." I don't know why but I felt the need to be completely honest with her. "She looks up to me so much, and I don't even know the basic things about her like her birthday."

"What was your motivation for the fight? You didn't really start kicking butt until you were almost out like the rest of your team."

"I knew Lavender was watching. I didn't want to let her down."

"Your her mother I don't think you could let her down. You can tell with how she looks at you." She smiled as we walked. "When Ruby was younger she would smile at stories like that and at our Uncle Qrow, actually she still smiles at him like that."

"I guess." We got to the concession booth and bought the cookies.

"I can tell you already love her and care for her a lot." Yang smiled at me.

"I do, I feel like she gave me motivation to keep going strong. Before I actually spent time with her, I was so depressed and I couldn't even heal or protect myself while fighting. Then it was like something clicked in me and now all I want to do is help people and make sure I survive at the same time, so I can be there for her and make sure she is healthy and safe."

"That's what moms do." She softly shoved me.

"Hey do you mind coming with me real quick, I need to change out of my armor so I can get it fixed up before tomorrow."

"Yea sure, as long as I get this cookie to Ruby before our match." We changed our course of direction. "Hey while we are at it can I see the tattoo on your back again?"

"Sure I guess." It didn't take long for us to get to a room where I could change. I carefully took off my armor and examined the singe marks and dents caused from the fight.

"You caught some pretty good hits out there." There was a girl with dark brown hair and fiery gold eyes in the room with us.

"Yea, I didn't know they caused this much damage." I turned away and took my shirt off and grabbed a light grey T-shirt from my locker.

"Wow it still looks really cool." Yang said sounding amazed.

"Angel wings, ironic tattoo considering what you can do." The girl said.

"Yea, what can I say..." I turned to face the girl after I put my shirt on. "Wait, what's your name."

"Cinder. I already know your name." She smiled at me, but her smile seemed to have some sort of hidden meaning behind it because it gave  me and uneasy feeling.

"Nice to meet you." I put my weapon into my locker before pulling my jacket out. "Yang are you ready to head out?"

"Yea, let's go before Ruby starts to cry over not having the cookie."

We headed back and left Cinder in the room and we ran my damaged armor to the weapon smith. After I paid the man we left and went back to everyone and Ruby practically tackled Yang for her cookie.

"Mommy did you get me a cookie?" Lavender came up to me and grabbed my hand. The other hand I held behind my back, because I had the cookie in it.

"Well, do hero knights save people?" I asked as I pulled out the cookie and handed it to her.

She immediately started to eat her cookie and I looked up to Ruby who had apparently already eaten hers.

"Next in the ring we have team RWBY..." the announcer said and they all got up and started to leave.

"Well good luck guys, break a leg... don't literally..." I said to them as they left. "Ok as for you, my little angel," I said as I kneeled down to Lavender, "let's go back to my team and watch the match."

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