Chapter 16

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Arthur's POV

"Do you understand what I'm asking you?" Ozpin asked me as he adjusted his glasses causing the light to bounce off of them and into my eyes.

"I know what your asking. It's not hard to understand your asking me if I planted that bomb. I didn't, I would never kill someone." I placed my hands on the table.

"Well there are at least 53 families that have lost one of their family members that would call you out on that statement." He looked like he was examining me and trying to find a weak spot.

"Ok, those are exceptions, people who wouldn't kill end up doing so in battle you should know that as well as anyone."

It kinda seemed like that struck a nerve. "Yes that's true, but I wasn't counting your kills in battle." He sat down in the chair across the table from me. "That number is about 219, at least  what was set as confirmed."

I stayed silent as he stared at me waiting for a response.

"Those 53 families the people they lost, were some who had surrendered and the battle stopped, yet you killed them anyway, or they were people that disobeyed you or they did something you didn't like." He folded his hands and looked me in the eyes. "You have a problem. If you don't get what you want you do whatever it takes, and if they cross you along the way you get even or they pay up. Its a problem I like to call spoiled kid with anger issues and a slight psychotic problems."

Him saying that angered me. I stood up and slammed my hands on the table leaving a loud thud to echo through the small room he had me in.

"Yea I come from a rich family, that doesn't mean anything. My dad wanted me to be happy, and I want myself to be happy too and that involves being respected. And I am, I have more respect than you ever will." I was yelling at him then something clicked like I hit a realization. "Is that why I'm here,  I have more respect than you."

"I frankly don't care about how much respect you think you have, because there is a difference between respect and fear. But what I'm talking about is you have a problem with people and that along with a camera caught you sneaking out of you room around the time believed for the bomb to have been set. Also according to other people you have probable cause to hurt Ancelote. So what I'm saying is all of the evidence we have aims at you and you won't tell us where you were."

"I was seeing one of my friends," I stated quickly. "Plus your so called evidence, the only solid piece of it would be the camera. And that's not even proof enough."

I know what I did that night but it was my business. If I do something its my choice to talk about it and I know how to stand my ground. And I was going to do exactly that.

"We can't do much of anything yet, but there will be someone watching you. And trust me, I will make sure someone has an eye on you. That is all Mr. Barloc." The way he said that sounded like this was over, but we both knew it wasn't even close. He just didn't know how soon.

"Have a good evening sir." I said as I started toward the door.

"Oh and Mr. Barloc, when do you plan to tell Miss Lum about Lavender?" I turned at the sound of her name and he had a smug grin plastered on his face.

"I don't know who you are talking about." I stepped toward him.

He was acting like he knew my weakness, which wasn't exactly wrong. Word of her would ruin my family's and my own reputation.

"I told you your father gave me all the information about you and Miss Lum. The one thing that interest me most is Lavender and for some reason you have yet to tell Miss Lum about her." He adjusted how he was sitting and placed one hand on the table and the other on his chin.

"If you talk to her about Lavender I'll..."

"You'll what? Kill me? You wouldn't be the first person to try." He stood up and stepped closer to me. "I earned my respect my proving I deserve it, and frankly you are still trying to use fear to earn it." He opened the door and gestured for me to leave. " I will keep an eye on you and if you know what's best for you stay away from Miss Lum, she will remember what you did to her. You know first hand what she can do."

I left the room wanting to do anything I could to hurt him but it took even more will power to not do something. Besides I cant quite do my part of the plan from a jail cell now can I?

As I walked down the hall I decided to give my father a call.

"This is Mr. Barloc, who is speaking?" My father asked so formally as he answer his scroll.

"Hey dad. I have a question. How much did you tell Professor Ozpin about me and Ancelote?" I asked as I tried to hide the irritation in my voice.

"Oh I honesty don't know he asked for information and I told Louis to give him your work and school files, and then Ozpin let you into Beacon." He paused but he didn't sound surprised. "What did he find out?"

"Well he knows about me and Ancelote, and he also knows about Lavender. So Louis fucked up or someone wanted this to happen." I didn't try to hide the anger and irritation in my voice this time. "Hey I have an idea. You and Lavender should come see the remnant tournaments in person. That away it will throw Ozpin off for a bit and Lavender will enjoy it a lot. Also this way Ozpin shuts up and keeps his eye off of me and focus on his job."

"Sure thing and I have some meetings to attend to there anyway. I'll figure out about the paper work. But I think it is about time you tell Ancelote about Lavender. She deserves to know." He instructed before hanging up on me.

"Great, this is just fucking great." I said to myself. "Now he wants me to tell her to? Do they want to ruin my life? I fucking worked hard for this."

My father knows almost everything about me and what I do, but I don't know if he knows what I've done recently and what I will be doing that night. Them being there will surely throw them off of my sent.

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