Chapter 42

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Ancelote's POV

I stood outside the door to Yang's house as I waited for someone to answer. Finally Yang opened the door and she looked surprised.

"Hey, long time no see." I smiled at her and she weakly smiled back. She stepped back to allow me to walk inside.

"So what are you doing back?" She closed the door as soon as I walked inside.

"Well I was relieved of duty; then placed on a special job for General Ironwood, which lead me here," I said before she softly hugged me.

"You smell like my Uncle Qrow," she said as she pulled away from me. "Have you been drinking?"

"Yea, I had a drink. Your uncle bought it for me. I had to talk to him that was the reason I came here, I got the information I needed now I'm here for the next five days." I followed her and we sat down on the couch.

"Since when do you drink?" She adjusted herself so she was facing me. "What do you not do? You drink, have tattoos, fight like a bad ass, and you are an amazing mother. You're the coolest person I know beside my dad and Uncle Qrow."

"Yea... I guess." I sighed and looked down as I pulled out the dragon.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to...." She started saying.

"No, its fine we all have moments where we fail. That's because we have to fail sometimes to find out how strong we really are." I looked back up at her.

"I guess I need more time to get over it." She looked over at where her arm use to be and closed her eyes.

"Sometimes it takes a while. I'm still struggling too. I can't even sleep without hearing Lavender call for me as I fell, or seeing Arthur and re-killing him in different ways and Lavender being scared of me for it." I leaned back on the couch and sighed. "Half the time I don't sleep at all. I just stare at the ceiling fearing that I might not get her back."

"Yea. I am scared to fall asleep I keep seeing him and no matter how hard I try I can never beat him." She looked like she was going to cry so I quickly sat up and moved closer to her and hugged her.

"Hey it will get better." She started to cry but forced herself to stop. "Why don't we talk about something different."

"Ok. How was Atlas?" She asked as she pushed away from me softly and wiped her tears away.

"Well it is cold, there was a hit on me, I made a deal with Ironwood to work with him to gather information and he offered to upgrade the deal to work for him, which I haven't accepted yet." I looked at my hand and counted everything out as I spoke, "oh... And Weiss says hi. I was her personal guard."

She started laughing before kissing me. "You hadn't given me one yet since you came back," she said once she pulled away. "What was that about someone having a hit on you?"

"You caught that huh?" I started to nervously chuckle. "Well someone sent people to get me."

"Like kill you?" She looked scared as she grabbed my hand.

"I honestly don't know, I don't know if they were there to kill me or take me alive. I just know I took two of them out and arrested them. I don't know if they had any other people working with them that night." I yawned after I spoke.

"I'm glad you're ok. Are you tired?" She looked at me and smiled.

"I'm a little tired I haven't slept in three days," I said before yawning again. "I left and couldn't sleep the night before the party thing the Schnee dust company was hosting and while on the air shuttle, and I didn't sleep last night because then I wouldn't have been here until tomorrow."

"Well you need to get to sleep then." She smiled and stood up pulling me with her.

"But I want to spend time with you..." I whined back at her as she drug me upstairs.

"Well you said it yourself you have five days here so you get some sleep." She opened the door to the room with two beds. One bed had red bedding and the other had yellow. "You can sleep in that bed. The other one is Ruby's. Don't be weird and smell my pillows."

"Wait this is your bed?" I asked as I put my stuff down and took my armor off.

"Well technically it is, I've been using the guest room. I needed space from everything and sharing a room with Ruby wouldn't give me the space I need." She walked over to the toys sitting on a shelf.

"Would you want to cuddle?" I asked before I realized what had slipped past my lips. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"I guess it couldn't hurt to cuddle until you fall asleep," she said softly.

I plopped down onto the bed and she laid down and carefully placed her arm around me. I turned to where I could face her and I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I placed my forehead against the crook of her neck.

"Do you ever miss the life you had before Beacon." She asked me softly.

"Sometimes..." That was all I could say to her before I fell asleep.

When I woke up again Yang was gone. For the first time I slept well, but it was weird because for the first time I didn't have a dream. I got up and walked down the stairs and I heard laughing erupting from the kitchen.

"Well look who arose from their slumber." Tai started to mess with me and I noticed Yang laughing.

God she has a beautiful laugh.

I looked over as saw Professor Port and Professor Oobleck were sitting at the table laughing.

"Yea. How long was I out?" I asked as I rubbed my neck.

"Well you went to sleep yesterday. But woke up a little bit ago." Yang looked over at me. "You've been asleep for about ten hours."

"God I'm still tired." I mumbled to myself.

"Yell you're the idiot that decided to walk all day and night here with out any sleep. Even though you just went two days prior without sleep." Yang said before laughing again.

"Ok you got me there."

"Miss Lum if you don't mind me asking, I have been curious for a while, why has some one of your skill not doing something more than side security work? And not using your ability to the fullest." Professor Oobleck asked me before drinking his coffee.

"Well, I guess I never actually thought about it, security was what I was brought up doing after I joined Arthur and his family company." I grabbed a chair and sat down. "Honestly there is a lot I could do right now, go home and run my company behind a desk, be a freelance huntress, or even become a drunk in a ditch somewhere. But what I'm doing is my own personal goal I guess you could say. Which isn't really security but more of gathering information while working for the Schnee family."

"They can be tough to deal with thankfully that Weiss seemed to be a bit nicer than her family." Professor Port said before laughing.

"You don't even know half of it in the beginning she wouldn't even call Ruby anything but a dolt. And once I pulled a prank on her you would have thought the room was going to catch fire with how angry she looked." Everyone started to laugh.

"Trust me you don't know anything until you have to deal with her father. One time I literally just glanced around the room and he started yelling at me for not keeping an eye on his daughter. So the staff were pretty fed up by him in general and I decided while he was out at a meeting I was going to do something. I snuck into his room and placed black hair dye into his shampoo, and when he washed his hair it was dyed black." Everyone was laughing and Professor Port was on the ground. "The best part is they had a family photo to take that day and it was like the fifth one that month that they had, and that was the one that got printed and placed in the halls. And boy was he pissed."

We continued sharing stories, and laughing. Eventually I sat down next to Yang on the counter and sure enough I managed to fall asleep again.

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