Chapter 12

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Ancelote's POV

"What exactly are you telling me?" I asked quietly as I sat up in the chair he had me sit in.

"There are conspiracies going around. People think you caused the explosion or that the other girl did." He took a sip of his coffee. "I've already talked to her and she thinks someone is trying to kill her."

"Are you asking if I did it?" I felt a little hurt he would assume that. "I didn't. I wouldn't. Its not right."

"I know you didn't. I don't think this was supposed to be aimed at her specifically. I think this was more to get the attention of someone."

"Wait who's attention do you think they want?" I leaned forward and put my hands in my lap.

"Well so you normally in the shower that early?"

I thought about it for a bit before answering, "Yes. Unless I have a nightmare."

"She is normally there the same time you are." He exhaled as if he was giving in. "Does anyone know that?"

"Yea. Arthur..." Then the realization hit me. "Do you think he did this? He wouldn't he isn't the kind of person that would do anything like that."

"Has he been acting different lately anything out of the normal?"

"I may have hurt his feeling yesterday but it wasn't me. I lost control of myself and he stormed off."

"You may be right about who he is but right now he is the only student acting differently. And he isn't accounted for part last night and early this morning. Cameras show him come to your dorm and leave it then he vanishes." He stood up and walked around. "It could just be a coincidence. Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it."


"I think they want you to notice something. They would have done something much bigger if they wanted to get everyone's attention. Keep an eye out for yourself." He stopped right next to where I was sitting.

Don't worry about it? How can I not worry? If they want my attention what else will they do to get it they almost killed an innocent girl.

"I'll try."

"You should go rest you have school tomorrow."

I stood up and followed him out of his office and into the elevator.

"What happens if this gets stuck or breaks down? How do you get out?" I couldn't help but ask.

"If that happens I guess I'd just call Glenda... I mean Miss Good-Witch." He wasn't prepared for that question I guess he never thought about it.

"Ok. That makes since." We finally made it to the first floor but he pushed a button that stopped the door from opening.

"If you ever need anything. I mean anything like to talk or need help, I'm here just call ahead first." Then he opened the door to the elevator.

"You seem to know a lot about me... Why is that?"

"I got details about you and Arthur through his father, but I know your better than Arthur because I knew your mother, before she changed. You have the same semblance as her but she never had tattoos show up. I think you may have unlocked more potential for your semblance that she did. If you want to know anything we'll have to talk later. I have to meet someone else."

I went back to my dorm when I started to feel a strange tingle on my back.

I sat at my desk and pulled out one of my text books. I began reading over the next lesson in the book that we would learn about when the tingle turned into a burning pain. At first the pain was bearable then it grew to feel like someone placed a hot iron on my back.

Let's go do something fun. Or a least we should go get something to eat or shower. Maybe do some training.

I stood up and left the dorm room. I went back to the locker room and it looked like the explosion never happened except for a slight singe to one of the benches. I went to my locker and changed into my battle gear and grabbed my sword and shield.

I went to the training room and I was drew my sword and started practicing in one of the training ring stimulators. It was strange how realistic to a tournament the simulations were. Then I noticed a setting that wasn't a tournament it was a real life battle simulation. I then turned it to the hardest setting.

The simulation started in a swamp like area. And it was calm hearing the sound of exotic birds. Then everything suddenly went silent. I gripped my sword tighter as I prepared for the fight.

I started to grow inpatient as I waited for the attacker to strike. I started to cautiously pace around as I looked for the attacker. Then out of no where I started to hear a rattling that echoed around and made it hard to pin point where it was coming from.

Them suddenly a set of teeth came at me. I barely dodged it as I moved to a more hidden area so I could get to its known weak spot.

As if on cue a second Grimm jumped out at me and the wings came out and shielded me.

Before I could question what happened I quickly took down the Grimm and plunged my sword into the neck of the bigger one.

"I think you should take a break." Arthur said sweetly as he turned of the simulation, and sat down on a nearby bench. As of it were instinct I followed and sat next to him.

"I have a question for you" I managed to say after a few minutes. "Did you cause the explosion?"

He was silent for a few seconds. "I don't know how I should react to that. Are you really accusing me of almost killing you and a random girl?"

"Just answer the question." I refused to look at him instead I looked at my sword that looked as if it needed to be sharpened a little bit.

"You know me better than anyone else, do you think I would do that? You're pretty much my sister, do you trust me?"

"Something has been awakened inside of me and its opened my eyes, I need to know of they are lying to me. Because all I've noticed is all those times you said you were there with me you weren't but when you needed help with anything, I was always there. I need to know were you just using me because of my moral code to pay you back for everything."

I decided to look at him and he was checking his scroll. "Hey I have to go, we need to continue this talk later."

He left me alone and my question unanswered. But I guess in reality that was his answer.

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