Chapter 15

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Ancelote's POV

I went back to my dorm to find there wasn't anyone there.

I went over to my things and changed into my uniform. I hate the skirt but it wasn't as uncomfortable as the pants the guys had to wear. I had no idea how they could wear those itchy things. I grabbed two of my note books and my textbooks. I placed them in my bag and grabbed my shoes.

I was going to just go straight to class but my stomach told me otherwise. So I put my shoes on and went down to the cafeteria.

The room was filled with people everywhere. By the time I got there it there weren't many seats available. I decided to find a place to sit down after I got food. Which turned out to be an even worse idea because there were even less seats available.

"Ancelote come sit over here." Yang was yelling over to me. Motioning for me to join team RWBY and JNPR.

I looked around for another chance at an empty seat but failed to find one. Its not that I didn't like yang or any of team RWBY or JNPR, I just wanted to be alone. After failing to find a seat I gave in and sat with them.

"Hey how are you doing? You know after what happened yesterday." Ruby seemed worried and uncomfortable like she wasn't sure if she was suppose to be talking about yesterday.

"I'm in a bit of pain, and I keep having a burning feeling on my back at some points it hurts worse that others," I said before I started eating an apple.

"Have you not noticed what's on your back?" Weiss asked sounding surprised.

"What there's nothing in my back," I mumbled out as I swallowed the bite of apple in my mouth. "Please say there isn't."

"I'm sorry I thought you knew..." She said softly before she started to put food in her mouth.

"What is on my back?"

She mumbled something through her food but couldn't understand.

"She said wings and something called Animarum. What's that?" Nora sounded excited and quickly stood up. "Ooh can I see. It is a tattoo or do you have something sticking out of you like a being a bird faunus?"

"Nora, you might be over whelming her a little bit," Ren said softly and Nora sat back down and gave a pouty face.

"Did anyone else notice everyone except us left this table?" Nora asked as she stopped pouting and looked around the table.

"That doesn't surprise me," I stated before I could stop myself.

Everyone stopped and looked at me with questioning expressions.

"There are rumors going around that I am the reason for what happened yesterday." I finished my apple before finishing talking, "and I'm not sure that the rumor is exactly wrong. I'm going to head to class."

I stood up and walked away and tables got quiet as I walked past them. I looked down at the ground and sighed before I walked through the doors.

I guess I'll never be able to be normal. As I entered my classroom I looked at my watch and saw that I still had twenty minutes until class started. I took my seat and waited alone.

"Miss Lum. You are never this early to my class, are you ok?" Miss Goodwitch asked as she stepped closer to me.

"Yes, are we still doing tournaments in class today?" I sat up in my seat.

"Well yes, we have a couple of fights today until we can start round two," she looked at me like she was concerned.

"Is there an available space for me to join in today? I need to use up this energy I have built up from the past couple days."

"Umm... I'll think about it, I'll also have to talk to Professor Ozpin." She looked uncomfortable. It kinda seemed like she had the ok to let me join but she really didn't want me to.

"Ok. Yea." I said as I went and sat down on the ground.

I zoned out for a bit while the fights were going on. It wasn't until I heard a buzzer go off that I came back to reality.

"Look its your own fault, you were teasing her instead of fighting. And she kicked your butt dude." I heard a guy laughing and talking to one of his friends.

"What she's cute." The other guy said in defense.

I looked at the board and saw that he had just finished fighting Weiss.

"Way to go Weiss." I said as I sat up.

"Thanks," she said as Ruby and her sat next to me. "He wasn't really trying though. He kept trying to joke around."

"I think the term you were looking for was flirting." Yang plopped down next to her sister. "Oh and Glynda wants to talk to you." Yang pointed at me.

"Oh... Ok." I stood up and left while Weiss lectured Yang about calling Miss Goodwitch by he first name.

"Ok. So this isn't my choice, but professor Ozpin wants you to fight today." She said to me as her eyes never left the fight currently taking place.

"Sweet." I was tired of just watching everyone so I got pretty excited as I waited for a chance to fight.

She sighed before she said, "ok its your turn. Please be careful."

I quickly rushed and grabbed my sword and stood on the field.

"Seriously I have to fight her, what if she tries to kill me," the person I was facing said.

"I'm not going to kill anyone. I'm more likely to kill myself over anyone else." I accidentally blurted out.

"Ok, now I'm concerned about her mental health over her killing me." He stated.

"Come on can we just get this over with?" I asked as I stepped forward.

Sadly the fight was over as soon as it had started. And I was left with having the next round tomorrow.

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