Chapter 25

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Ancelote's POV

"So what exactly are you saying?" I asked the lawyer.

"Your father left you everything but the only way you can receive your dowry is to prove yourself worthy." She looked really kind and she continued speaking. "Your father told me not to tell you how to prove yourself worthy so you can figure it out on your own. And I am the judge if you do it the way he would have wanted. But he wrote you a letter and I am going to give it to you now," she handed me the letter and stood up. "I will be keeping an eye on you but for now I will leave you alone."

"How would that even be possible to meet his expectations when no matter what I did he never approved?" I couldn't help but doubt the situation.

"Your father was more proud of you than he let you believe. I have to go but read that letter at some point." The lawyer  stood up and was about to leave.

"What if I don't want to be apart of anything he was?" I asked as she grabbed the door knob.

"Then it goes to the next living relative. Unless there isn't one then it goes to what the company decides is in the publics best interest."

She was about to leave again when I said, "I have a daughter... But I want it to be her choice. I'll accept this until she decides if she wants it." Again it felt like someone else was controlling me.

"Well I'll be keeping an eye on you." She smiled innocently at me before she finally left.

I sat alone for a while until someone knocked on the door.

"It's open."

Emily popped her head in the door. "Hi. I was wondering if I could come back in?"

"Come right on in." I smiled when I saw she was in a cute pink shirt and a pair of white skinny jeans. "Went home and changed?"

"No, my brother brought me a change of clothes while you were talking." She smiled and twirled her hair around her finger. "For a guy his taste in fashion isn't that bad."

I couldn't help but laugh. She was too cute.

"Hey I have a question." She was very quiet and sounded kinda shy at the moment.

"Ok. Go ahead and ask."

She seemed to be a bit nervous. She looked like she was about to say something but she closed her mouth before any words could pass her lips.

I sat up and moved from the bed and slowly walked over to her. "Hey don't worry you can ask me anything."

"Well..." She had a soft blush creep onto her face and she was speechless again.

"You're too cute," I whispered, before I realized I had spoken that aloud her lips met mine.

She softly kissed me before she pulled away and looked to the ground. As soon as the kiss had happened it was over and I found myself longing for more.

She finally looked up at me and her blush was a bit darker but she also looked as if she was going to cry at any minute. "I'm..." Before she could continue speaking I pulled her closer to me and kissed her.

It didn't take long for her to relax and kiss me back. My hands made their way to her hips and index fingers looped themselves in her belt loops.

The next thing I knew  my back had hit the cold wall and someone cleared their throat.

"Oh... Uhhh..." Emily said as she pulled away and looked at Weiss who was starring at us from the door way.

"Well I got you some clean clothes from your dorm since your suit got ruined with blood and has a hole in the side. Oh and the doctor said you can sign out at any time." She said as she set a bag down on the bed and left the room.

"I guess I should put something other than this gown on." I laughed awkwardly. "Oh you had a question."

"Oh... Well. I was wondering..." She was back to being nervous again. "Would you go on a date with me?"

"How about tomorrow after the first round of tournaments?"I asked as I grabbed the bag of clothes. "We can go to the festival or I can take you out to a restaurant or something."

"The festival sounds cool." She started to twirl her hair around her finger again.

"Here type your number into my scroll and I'll message you." I handed her my scroll before I took my hospital gown off.

She was typing away in my scroll and when she looked up she blushed and looked back down.

"You ok?" I asked as I fastened my pants and grabbed my bra.

"Y... Yea. I... I'm fine." She was blushing and stuttering as she spoke.

"Are you sure?" I put my bra on and left my shirt on the bed and went up to her.

She looked up and then quickly looked down at the ground.

"Are you not use to people getting dressed in front of you?" I asked teasingly as I softly grabbed her chin and made her look me in the eye.

"Its not that. I'm not use to being in a room with a hot person changing." She said softly before I pecked her cheek.

"Well I don't see how your pretty damn hot if you ask me. So do you change without mirrors in the room or something?"

She laughed at me and I went and grabbed my shirt.

"I like your tattoo..." She sounded curious and before I could pull my shirt down she started to trace her finger along my back.

"I forgot I still need to check that out." I put my shirt down and walked over to a mirror. It wasn't very big but it was enough for me to turn around and see the wings that decorated my back along with the soft blue flowers.

"Haven't you already seen it?"

"No... Its a bit of a weird thing but this isn't a tattoo exactly. I don't know how to exactly explain it."

"Ok well it looks cute on you." She came and kissed me.

"Mommy!" I heard what sounded like a little girl yelling outside in the hall. Then the door swung open and Lavender voice rang through the room, "Mommy!"

I pushed away from Emily and looked down at my little angel.

I realized I still didn't have a shirt on and I quickly grabbed it again and actually put it on. Thankfully I had my shirt on by the time Mr Barloc entered the room.

"Arthur told us you were here and I thought you would like to see Lavender." He said kindly.

"Mommy!" She yelled to me. "Up please." She raised her arms and I couldn't help but pick her up.

"Mr Barloc, thank you for bringing her to see me." I noticed his gaze was at Emily. "This is Emily, her brother and her are the ones who brought me here. After the incident."

"Yea. Umm..." Emily appeared to be nervous but it was different from earlier. "Its nice to meet you."

"Thank you for taking care of her. I'd hate for Lavender to grow up with out her mother."

While they continued talking Lavender whispered in my ear, "Is she the princess you live happily ever after with like the hero knight stories?" She was so adorable I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I don't know my little angel, we'll have to wait and see." I smiled down at her.

"Did you save her too?" She asked a little louder.

"No, she saved me."  I sat down on the bed and she sat in my lap.

"But she's a princess right?" She was being completely serious.

"Sometimes the princess saves the hero knight." Emily was looking over at us now and she smiled at me. "Sometimes its not in the way you would think."

I looked around the room and everyone was starring at me, so I stood up.

"Hey why don't we get out of here. I'm kinda tired of staying in this room." I suggested as I walked toward the door.

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