Chapter 18

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Ancelote's POV

I haven't really been feeling well since the memory came back to me. It was the day before the dance and some how team RWBY managed to roped me into going dress shopping for the dance. I guess they noticed that I had been down lately.

"This looks cute." Yang said as she held a short white dress, which was the sixth dress she thought was cute today. "I'm going to try it on."

We followed her to the dressing room area to check the dress out after she was done changing into it.

"Ancelote have you seen anything you like?" Ruby asked as we waited for her sister.

"I'm not really sure I'm going to go to the dance."

"Is it because you don't have a date? Because I don't have a date but I'm going because I like hanging out with my friends, which I know Weiss and Blake have dates and I'm sure Yang does too." She started to ramble about why I should go.

"Ruby, I might go, it has nothing to do with not having a date even though its true I don't. I have a few things I have to sort through." I turned  and went to look around a bit when I saw Arthur's father and he was walking around with a girl with lavender hair and she was looking at a floral pink dress. She looked familiar for some reason.

"Mr Barloc. How are you sir?" I went up to him and the little girl.

The little girl got excited and hugged me and she looked up to me and had rust orange eyes. It freaked me out and I stepped back a little and Mr Barloc looked shocked that I was here.

"Lavender dear, why don't you go try that dress you were checking out on?"  He said softly as he kneeled down to her.

She giggled and grabbed the dress and ran off to the changing rooms.

"Who is she?" I asked as I watched her run off out of site.

"Umm... Her name is Lavender, she is... My granddaughter..." he said hesitantly as he started to walk toward the changing room area. Some reason I wasn't nervous about being around him like I was Arthur and a few other guys.

I was confused she looked to be about 4 or 5 years old, but Arthur only had one sibling and he died almost seven years ago. "How old is she?"

"She will be 5 years old two weeks after you turn 19."

"Really? Wait Arthur's brother died over six years ago. Wait that means she's Arthur's right?"

He tried ignore me but then Lavender came up to us wearing the floral pink dress. She looked proud in the dress and it was really cute.

"Pampi, does it look pretty?" She asked as she twirled in the dress.

"It looks good on you. Do you want to look at some more dresses." He ignored me.

"That looks beautiful on you." I kneeled down to her and she looked excited to hear me say that. "That shade of pink really brings out your hair color."

"Thank you." She had a slight blush and she looked so adorable.

"Hey Ancelote are you going to look for a dress or do you want to go get our nails done now." Yang came up to us. "Who's the cutie. And the old guy?"

"Hey," Mr Barloc said as if he was insulted.

"Umm... This is Arthur's father Mr Barloc and apparently his granddaughter."

"Well she's a cutie." Yang softly touched her nose. "Well everyone is going to get their nails done, well except me I don't like random small talk with strangers who end up wanting to touch my golden locks."

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