Chapter 30

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Ancelote's POV

After what felt like an hour of being dragged we finally stopped at a garden that over looked where the fire works were going to be set off. "This is a comfy looking place."

"Its my garden. This was the closest space I could find and could afford. I know its not much but..." I interrupted her with a kiss.

"It very nice." I whispered softly close to her ear.

"Well, feel free to wait here. I'll be right back," she said before running off. After a few minutes she came back with a blanket and she laid it on the ground. "Come sit down the fireworks will start soon." She sat down and patted a spot next to her.

As if it were instinct I went and sat down  next to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"So are seeing the fireworks your only motivation to bring me to this secluded but very beautiful place?" I whispered near her ear again.

"Well we can do more than watch fireworks if you want." She turned and faced me. "I'm not going to oppose." She leaned close to my face where she was an inch from kissing me.

"Maybe I want to watch fireworks." I said as seductively as I could without showing I wanted to kiss her.

I managed to watch some of the fireworks, but I looked over at her and she was shivering. I took off my jacket and placed it around her shoulders.

"I can't take..." She tried to hand it back, but I softly pushed her hands back to her.

"Just put it on..." I helped her put the jacket on and as I went to zip it up instinct kicked in.

I grabbed the end of the jacket and pulled her to me and I crashed my lips to hers.

After a few minutes she pulled away. "I thought you wanted to watch the fireworks?"

"I like this more than the fireworks."

She moved to where she was sitting on my lap, "then what are you waiting for." She said seductively before I started to kiss her again. "I think this is better than the fireworks too." She pulled away and smiled at me.

"Just shut up and kiss me."

*sexual content*

As the fireworks were exploding above head Emily said something but I couldn't hear what. I was about to ask about it, but she pulled me  into a passionate kiss.

As she kissed me my hands made their way to her waist and I pulled her closer to me. After a while one of her hands made its way into my hair and the other hand softly held my face, like she was worried I would pull away. 

Things started to get heated and before I knew it she was kissing my jaw and slowly making her way to my neck. She managed to earn a moan from me when she softly bit a scar I had on my neck.

"So scars are like a key to good spots?" She teased before she continued to softly bit the spot again.

Before I realized it her fingers slowly started to trace my stomach. I couldn't help but moan as she continued to slowly kiss and bite lower and lower. I tried to muffle my moans with my hand but she moved my hand away from my mouth.

"I want to hear your voice." She gave me a quick kiss before she started to remove my shirt.

As soon as she removed my shirt she slid her hand into my bra, while she kissed on my chest. While she was occupied massaging my breast I started to remove my jacket from her.

She stopped what she was doing and started striping in front of me. I was in awe as she got down to just her underwear and bra. She had a perfect body and all of her tan skin had that golden glow the sun had graced her with.

"Now why don't we even the amount of clothing we are wearing." She said as she started to undo my pants.

I had to take my boots off so she could take my pants off like she wanted. When I saw the chance I made a move and made her lay down and I started to kiss her neck. While I was kissing her I unhooked her bra and slid if off of her. I kissed my way down her neck and to her breast. I sucked on her breast while I massaged the other.

"Ancelote..." She moaned my name and I swear it was like my heart stopped for a second and the butterflies in my stomach flutter around.

I stopped massaging her breast and started to slowly trace my fingers down her stomach and when I made it down to her underwear I messed with the band of them.


I stopped sucking on her breast and looked up at her. "What are you asking me for?" I couldn't help but tease her.

"Please... Fuck me." She begged before pulling me into a passionate kiss as I slid my hand past the band of her underwear and quickly removed them. I inserted a finger into her and started to slowly pump my finger in and out of her. "Faster..." She moaned as she broke away from the kiss.

I followed her wish and started to pump faster. Eventually I added a second finger and she would start to grind against my hand. She continued to moan occasionally she would moan my name. Hearing her moan was like music to my ears and every time I wanted to hear her moan again.

"Ahhh..." She yelled and dug her nails into my back as she tightened around my fingers.

I moved my hand out of her underwear, and showed her the juices that were on my fingers. "I bet you taste good even if I didn't get to eat you out before you came." I placed my fingers into my mouth and cleaned her juices off of them. "I was right." I smirked at her.

I sat up and moved off of her and before I knew what happened she pounced and was on top of me. "Now I want to finish what I started before you so kindly took it over."

Before I knew it she had taken off my underwear and bra. She looked at me as I laid there. "You know you even prettier when your not in a hospital room. And these fireworks are nothing compared to this sight before me."

I know I started to blush and when she noticed I did she went straight to the spot on my neck and bit it again, before leaving a trail of kisses and soft bites until she got to my core. She ran her finger over my slit.

"You're even wetter than I thought." She smirked at me before she moved kissed right above my clit. Then she surprised me when she started to suck on it.

"Fuck..." I gasped out as she continued to suck. She lifted my legs over her shoulders and firmly grabbed my butt.

My hands made their way to entangle themselves into her hair and she lowered herself a bit farther to where she inserted her tongue into me.

"Fuck... Emily..." I let got of her hair and grabbed onto the blanket as I let the sensation flow over me. My body grew really hot and my core tensed up as I came.

"Well by the noise you were making I'd say I did a good job." She smirked at me as she crawled up and laid her head on my shoulder. "And you did a pretty damn good job yourself."

"That was great." I noticed her shiver so I reached over and grabbed my jacket to cover her up with.

*end sexual content*

"Aren't you cold?" She looked up to me with her beautiful blue eyes that seemed to twinkle more than  before.

"I'm fine. I managed to survive most of my time in Atlas in just a tank top. Mostly because the person I was hired to protect would get cold easily." I pulled her closer to me. "besides if I get cold I'll just leach warmth from you."

"I love you..." She said softly to me as she seemed to drift off to sleep.

"Love you too." I felt weird saying that to her but I'm sure she is already asleep.

Do I love this girl? Am I just caught up in the moment of lust?

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