Chapter 40

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Ancelote's POV

"Ok, I need you to make me a promise. I'm don't typically trust people in this situation. But I have a way for you to help me and still get the information you are looking for." He said as he closed the door to his office. "Please have a seat get comfortable."

"What exactly are you talking about?" I asked as I sat down in one of his chairs as he sat at his desk.

"I hear you are close with Ruby Rose and the Xiao Long family. Well have you heard of their uncle, Qrow Brawen?" He asked before pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to me. "Well he should cooperate with you. Just make sure he knows you're a friend of his nieces."

I looked at the picture and I quickly recognized the man in the picture. "Isn't this the drunk that fought Winter Schnee at the Beacon gates and caused it to become destroyed again?"

"Yes... Well he's always drunk. And he can get pissed off easily so watch out." He stood up and pulled a black folder from a filing cabinet. "But back at the matter at hand. I need you to talk to him get the information he has and bring it back to me. You are free to do whatever you want with that information once you tell me what it is." He opened the folder and began to read through it. "I also have a couple propositions for you."

I placed my hands in my lap and leaned closer to him.

"Well you can take the information you retrieved and then after you inform me of everything you can leave and continue trying to figure out the rest by yourself, or you can continue to  go and gather information for me and bring it back and occasionally bring people to me." He looked back up at me and closed the folder. "You would be free leave at any time while working with me."

"Sir..." I started.

"You have plenty of time to decide. Right now you have two hours to catch your ride to Vale. It is in the Schnee shipping docks." He put the folder down and stood up. "Go grab what you would need, if you aren't on the air shuttle in two hours the deal will be cut off. You are relieved of guard duty as of now. You have a week to gather information."

"Yes sir." I stood up and left the room.

The halls were still but you could hear people having fun drinking and catching up. I walked down the hall and things got louder as the halls filled with their laughter.

After a few minutes of walking I made my way back to my room. I heard a door slam and I quickly turned around to see Mr Schnee storm past me. He looked like he was ready to murder an entire village.

I entered my room and strapped on my sword and shield and quickly packed my bag. I double checked the room and I walked out of the room.

I decided to stop by Weiss's door and knocked. There wasn't a response, but I could hear her muffling her crying.

"Weiss..." I called for her this time before I knocked again. "Look Weiss I have to go do something, so I'll be gone for a week. I'm not sure how long I will stay though." I looked at my watch and saw I had to leave in a little over an hour. "I will check on you when I get back."

I turned around and started to leave. About halfway  down the hall I heard a door open.

"Wait. Ancelote." I turned around to see Weiss. "Thank you for everything. Even though you were in danger you still care."

"Hey I never before cared about myself getting hurt." I walked over to her. "Honestly I still don't, its the people I'm protecting that matter."

She surprised me with a hug. "Don't ever think you don't matter. You have a lot of people who think you do, especially Lavender." She let go of me and stepped back and turned around. "If you don't take care of yourself, you might leave her an orphan, and hurt a lot of people mentally." She started to walk away.

"Thank you for caring so much about me." I turned around and started to leave.

"Be careful. And if you stop in the Patch tell Ruby... And Yang I said hi and that I miss them. And please tell Ruby she's still my favorite dolt." She opened her door and closed it.

"Sure thing." I said aloud even though she was no longer there to hear me.

I looked at my watch and I started to walk quickly because I had little less than an hour to get to the shipping docks, and it was a bit of a walk. Thankfully the Schnee manor and the  main Schnee Dust Company shipping docks were pretty close to each other. I managed to make it there with about twenty minutes left to spare.

"Are you the kid we are dropping off in Vale?" A guy in a white military uniform asked as he opened the door.

"If need be I'll jump out so you don't have to stop," I said before the guy started laughing.

"Anywhere in specific on Vale?" He asked as he showed me where I would stay during the flight.

"The Patch would be great if you wouldn't mind," I said as I put my bag down and started looking around.

The ship was full of dust but there was one box that was different than the rest. It was small and I looked at the tag and saw it said Yang Xiao Long.

"Hey do you want me to deliver this? I'm going to be heading to this person anyway." I pointed to the box.

"Well we were told that was the plan. And we are to pick you up in about six days or so. Oh and we aren't able to drop you off in the Patch you will have to walk, but we can pick you up there if you would like." He never looked back at.

It seemed to take less time to get to Vale than it took to leave and go to Atlas. As soon as we landed I grabbed my bag and the man got up and walked over to the box and picked it up.

"Handle this carefully. There are literally only one of these." He handed me the box before he opened the door to the air shuttle. "Have a good time."

"Thanks." I looked to make sure the dragon was still in place and headed off to where Yang and Ruby lived.

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