Chapter 13

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Ancelote's POV

"You shouldn't be working yourself so much."

I turned expecting it to be Arthur behind me but it turned out to be Pyrrah.

"What are you doing up this late?" I asked as I looked at my watch to see that it was almost midnight.

"I'm helping Jaune find his scroll. I'd ask you the same but I already know the answer." She walked past me and looked around the room.

"Well good luck finding it I'm going to go for a walk." I stood up and started to walk out, when I heard a beeping.

I walked over to the sound and saw that it was in fact a scroll.

"It looks like luck is on your side," I said as I picked it up.

"Thanks." She walked over to me with a kind smile. "You should get some rest. You never know how much you need it until you don't have enough."

As soon as she came she had also left. Causing me to be alone again. Just as I was about to leave I started to feel and agonizing burning to my back. The pain caused me to fall onto my knees and double over, and I started to cry at the pain.

I don't know how long the pain was going on, but after a while tears no longer escaped my eyes and it became hard to breath, like someone cut air off from my lungs. Before I knew it I passed out.


I started to hear what sounded like people panicking around me but all I could see was that cliff and the ocean crashing against the rocks down below.

I stepped forward and a second cliff appeared across the way, but it was too far to jump to. I looked around and there were burning houses and people screaming around me and dead bodies.

As if it were instinct I ran to help but I couldn't touch anything or anyone, my hand would just go straight through what ever I tried to touch.

"Just stop this, I can't do this I'm tired of these stupid games." I had tears starting to stream down from my eyes. When I went to wipe my eyes everything vanished except for a man who started to come closer to me.

"You think this is a game?" Their voice gave me chills, then as he started toward me I realized who it was. "This isn't a game dear. This." He waved his hand around causing everything to reappear. "This is your fault. You said you wanted to help people, but you're not. You are bringing everyone pain and..."

"Just stop you're not really here. You're not my father, you're not real." I stepped back from him every step he took closer to me.

"Then why are you afraid?" He started laughing and I felt my heart beat pick up and it grew so loud, I'm sure he could hear it. "You want to be a hero, but you know you're not strong enough. You can't even look me in the eye."

"Just stop. Please don't come any closer." I felt around for my sword until I saw he had it. And the thought of him with my sword caused me to back up even closer to the edge and I realized if I moved any father I'd be sent to the ocean and rocks below.

"You know you sure do love this piece of metal, even though I told you how to make it and what you had to put with it." He swing the sword around. "You know I'm proud, this sword is amazing but you know ladies shouldn't play with swords. And this stone, it would be better off with out it." He yanked the gem that was embedded in the hilt out. "You should grow up and accept you are a lady and you need to act like it."

He slammed the sword against a random rock that appeared and caused it to shatter. Then the looked at the gem he had in his hand.

"I don't know why you kept this thing, or even why your mother left it to you, its worthless." He examined it one last time before he threw it past me.

I didn't even think when I decided to jump after the gem as it started to fall toward the bottom. The stone was barely out of my reach so I reached out a little further and just as my hand touched the gem everything faded away.

*end dream*

I shot up and saw I was still in the training room. The room was empty. I frantically searched around to find my sword was laying next to me and the gem was still intact in the hilt.

I looked at my watch and saw it was a little after six o'clock so I decided to go ahead and start the day with a nice shower.

The locker room was quite, which was weird because on school mornings it was normally bursting with life. With people talking about their weekends and sharing random gossip. But the closer I got to my locker I realized there wasn't a single person in the room.

They might just be scared because of what happened in here yesterday. I decided to go ahead and continue with the shower.

I took my clothes off and turned the water on. At first the water that hit me was freezing cold and I tensed up as it hit my skin. The after a few minutes the water became warm as it slid down my body. I let the warm water rinse away all of my tension and I soon felt more relaxed than I had in a long time.

Then I started to hear the sound of someone in heals walking towards the showers.

"I don't think you want to shower with heals on." I said while I still faced the wall of the showers.

"I'm not planning on showering. I need to talk to you." I quickly ID the voice to belong to Weiss.

I turned around and sure enough I was right. "Can you hand me my towel?" I asked as I face the wall again and turned the shower off.

For a few seconds I heard the clicking of heals again then they stopped and I towel softly hit my arm.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked as I wrapped a towel around me.

"Well, you. I want to talk about you," she said softly as she moved over to a bench.

"Ok..." I was confused but I followed her.

"So I over heard something and it could be why you don't remember any of your time working for my father."

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