Chapter 0

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Ancelote's POV

I've never liked the dark ever since I was a child. The worst things would happen to me at night: monsters come out, people ambush others, murders, robberies, rapes, people setting fires. The worst thing to happen at night was caused by me.

I was about three or four but I don't know exactly. My father never talked about her after what happened unless it was to blame me for it. Before we were your average happy family, well as average as anyone with a parent with strange abilities can get.

I remember when I was three my brother would tell me all kinds of stories of her before when I couldn't sleep, that was before what she did. It doesn't matter how young I was I couldn't ever forget that night no matter how hard I tried.

I was sleeping in my tiny bed and I could hear yelling downstairs, so I got up and waddled out of my room. When I got to the stair I saw my parents yelling before my father looked up and saw me. He stormed out of the house and closed the door with a loud thud following.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was my brother. "Go back to bed Ance." He whispered as he nudged me back toward my room.

I listened to what he told me and as soon as I opened my door I heard what sounded like something being thrown.

"Mom? Are you ok?" My brother started heading down the stairs.

I heard what sounded like my brother screaming then the only light in our area went out and I couldn't see anything. I wasn't tall enough to reach the lights.

I heard another scream and I ran in my room. I managed to get to my bed and I hid under my blanket and cried.

I moved the blanket when I heard my door slowly creep open. "Mommy?" I asked as more tears went down my face.

"Shhh... Ancelote. Baby go back to sleep." I didn't see her but I knew she came over to me and placed her hand on my cheek. Her hand felt strange it was wet and sticky.

"Mommy where is Sammy?" I was shaking and I knew she could tell. "I heard him scream."

"He's ok baby. He's just sleeping." She said softly as she made me lay down. "You need to go to sleep."

"Mommy. I'm sca..." I felt a piercing pain in the side of my neck and I couldn't get myself to talk.

"You shouldn't have been born." She whispered as everything started to get even darker. "You won't have to go through this pain. You won't end up like me now." She started to laugh frantically before I started to feel like I was floating.

I don't know how long I was out but I ended up waking up in a bright white room and it hurt too much to move my head around.

"Hey there little one," A doctor said as he walked up to me.

I tried to talk but it hurt to much to make any noises.

"You have to stay quiet. You got quiet the boo boo." The doctor softly smiled at me and it calmed me down a bit. "I have a surprise for you. Its a friend to keep you company." He said as he pulled out a small bear.

After a couple weeks I got to go home and my father was always sad or really angry. Most of the time I didn't see him because he was gone doing things or I was in physical and speech therapy because what my mother did caused a bit damage to my vocal cords and neck muscles. It took about three to four years for me to be able to talk almost like a normal kid and move my neck more freely.

The only thing that could never be fixed was the huge scar on my neck. I also was sent to see a therapist because they say that kind of drama I endured would cause me to have a lot of mental problems. It wasn't until I was a bit older did my therapist slip up and told me my mother had killed herself after she had thought I was dead. He also ended up explaining something happened to my mother's brain while she was pregnant and my birth set her into an unstable state, so it was only a matter of time until she had done what she did.

My father blamed me for her death and occasioned he would drink and things got a lot worse. There would be more insults and harsh words, and he would end up beating me occasionally, but that was barely ever. He also never let me have anything without earning it first, if he did then he'd have me pay him back by doing errands for him.

I never tried to stop him because I agreed it was my fault, he lost everything and me being born was the reason.

After the years slowly past I ran into Arthur while I was in town picking up groceries.

There was a group of men attacking the village and a bunch of people were fighting against them. I saw a grown man turn to a injured boy with hot pink and dark red hair. I grabbed a sword I found on the ground and pointed it at the man. Something in me seemed to change and I glanced over at the boy and a glowing gold orb appeared where he was hurt.

Then I saw the man swing at me and I instinctively swung the sword and managed to disarm him and his weapon landed near the boy who picked it up. The rest just worked itself out and Arthur and his men won. As soon as I could I quickly picked up my groceries and walked home.

Arthur chased me down and kept questioning me about my semblance (which at the time I didn't even know what that was) and about fighting and so on. Then later that day he managed to talk my dad into having me go with him, after he influenced me to join his father's security company. 

He took me in and made things better, so I decided to stay with him until the day I could pay him back. Even now he considers me his best friend and I consider him mine. (Even if he does occasionally have anger issues.)

I was excited when we both got accepted to Beacon Academy (I wasn't surprised Arthur would). Ozpin actually came and talked to me privately and asked me to come to his school (that surprised me because I thought since I was 18 I was too old to start going there) I couldn't help but accept his offer.

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