Chapter 5

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Ancelote's POV

"Wait so you don't remember any of your time working for the Schnee family about five years ago?" Ruby asked curiously.

They were nice enough to let me stay with them for the night so the least I could do is answer questions.

"No, I didn't even know I did." I said, to be fair I did get some pretty bad damage done to me is some of Arthur's crazy adventures. I really should invest in a better helmet."

"You don't remember falling in love with me?" Weiss sounded surprised.

"No... I know I fell in love with one of Arthur's girlfriends." I started to feel uneasy so I tried to answer as short as possible.

"So what is the great protector of men?" Yang finally asked a question.

"Its a hero from a kids bedtime story. I'll tell it to you sometime." Blake whispered something else to Yang but I couldn't hear it.

"Um... Its not me... Well its me but its not. Its like a side me that is activated in times of danger. I don't accept it as me cause I don't want to be anything except me. I made a mistake and it pretty much is going to ruin any chance at a life I will ever have."

I started to ramble when Weiss stopped me by saying. "You really have changed."

"I don't know what you mean. I mean I'm stronger than I use to be." I was starting to feel a sharp pain shoot through my skull and ankle at the same time.

"You've seem more depressed. And its kinda like your soul is broken." She looked at me before scooting closer to Ruby.

I've grown to assume they are a thing and its kinda cute.

"Umm... If you guys don't mind I'm starting to get a head ache. And I have to train tomorrow we have those class tournaments that are for a grade coming up and I need to make sure my strategy planning is perfect." I said as I stood up.

"How did Arthur become leader to your group?" I couldn't figure out who asked with my head feeling like it was starting to spin.

"He is a good leader and he is easy to follow. I'm just good with getting down what we need to do and how it should be done. Even though he doesn't listen to me often." I said softly before laying down on the makeshift bed they gave me to use for the night.


I was sitting on a cliff looking out into the darkness that surrounded everything. All I could see was the cliff and the waves crashing onto the sharp rocks below the cliff.

In the distance it sounded like there were people having fun, I wanted to go see what was going on but there was no way to get to them. I needed a bridge or to fly to get there.

As I stood up I decided to look around but there wasn't anything I could use.

Suddenly what was once darkness bursted into a blood red color as the sounds of fun turned into screams and evil laughter. The scene of fire erupting from a building and people running away while some stay to fight.

"Stop!" I yelled as I franticly paced still trying to find a way to them.

"You can stop this." A dark voice rang out.

"I don't know how." I had tears streaming down my face.

"You have to accept this fate and let go of your past. You fear this still, don't you? If you have nothing left, you fear losing nothing." The voice boomed around me. "But if you have nothing you have no one to help you when you fall."

"I don't need you!" I yelled to the voice.

"You say that but I'm still here so that means you still want me here."

I looked around franticly as I looked for the source of the voice. I found myself back at the edge of the cliff. "That's not true."

"Show yourself. Prove your words if you truly believe that." The voice had a sense of mockery in it.

"Just leave me alone. I don't want you here and I don't want to be like you." I cried out.

"Be like me..." It laughed and it echoed all around me.

I fell to my knees and I watched a patch a dirt fall into the unforgiving waves.

"I'm a part of you. There is no being me. Its all about letting me out."

"Stop!!!" I yelled as everything quickly turned black and everything vanished.

*end dream*

"Stop!" I yelled as I sat up. I was covered in sweat and tears. I pulled my knees to my chest.

I jumped when I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and wrap me into hug. I noticed people rushing toward me and I could tell they were trying to talk to me but I couldn't understand their words.

"I'm sorry," I whispered before tucking my head in my arms against my knees.

Eventually I was done crying and I could finally hear what they were saying.

"I need Arthur..." I said after a while, they were hesitant at first but they sent Ruby since she could get there faster. "I'm sorry to impose on all of you. Its just a nightmare."

"That seemed more than a nightmare." Yang said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"It was a nightmare just it was one that means something is happening to me. Something that I don't want." I forced most of my body to relax.

They were trying to figure out what I was talking about. When Arthur barged into the room with Ruby.

"Ancelote are you..." He awkwardly paused, "ok?"

"I'm having that dream again. Do you have the..."

"I brought them to the school but they're in the room. Can you make it there in time?" Arthur looked concerned.

"I don't know nothing has happened except the dream yet."

I felt bad for not telling them what was going on. I had to because I was order to not talk about it. I hated not telling them and it didn't help that I owed them for everything they've done for me.

Arthur helped me up and I felt a serge of energy rush through me. It felt like I had lava flowing through my vein. I guess Arthur could tell too because he quickly picked me up and ran out of the room.

"Wait. What's..." One of the girls yelled but when Arthur is desperate to do something I'm pretty sure he can run faster than Ruby.

When we entered our dorm. Arthur practically threw me onto the closest bed and ran to his desk. He pulled out a small silver box and ran over to me.

"You know the drill," he said as he opened the box and put some of the dark purple ink on his fingers.

"Yea. I know." I rolled up my pant legs so he could place a circle on both of my ankles.

As he placed the circles I removed my shirt so he could continue with this routine. He placed a circle on both wrist and a cross on my fore head.

The burning feeling in my veins started to weaken as he placed a series of ancient symbols down my spine.

"Now the final part." He always had a habit of telling me he was going to touch my chest it's not like he was touching my breast or anything. He traced over what looked like a tattoo, but it was really just a mark from when this all started.

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