Chapter 29

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Ancelote's POV

"Angel, where is your grandpa?" I asked as I walked with Lavender after today's tournaments.

"I no know." She shrugged her shoulders and continued happily hopping while I walked.

Why is this girl so damn cute? Are we sure she's actually related to me?


I lifted my head up and I looked around. I ended up finding Emily jogging over to me.

"Ancelote are you..." She looked down and saw Lavender. "ready?"

"I will be soon I just need to find this little angel's grandpa," I said before pucking her up and grabbing Emily's hand with my free one.

"Mommy, what are you doing after we find Pampi?" Lavender was looking at Emily while leaning closer to me.

"Well I'm going to go on a date..." I looked up to Emily and she was smiling.

"Can I go?" She tried giving me her adorable puppy dog eyes but I wasn't going to let it work this time.

"Sorry angel not this time. This is a mommy thing only right now."

After a while we made our way up to the private rooms and saw Mr Barloc drinking a glass of champagne.

"Hey there she is." He came over to me and put his arm around me. "Now I told you this girl could fight, I'm just surprised Arthur didn't last longer."

"It kinda looked like he was distracted during the fight, maybe there is something going on." The other guy I had never seen before but he looked a bit like Arthur's father.

"Pampi!" Lavender yelled as she wiggled out of my arms and ran over to Mr Barloc.

"Ancelote that was a great save you did out there. I didn't expect you to be able to take that many hits as well as you did." Mr Barloc directed Lavender over to an area filled with toys. "Some of those moves I haven't see you do since before your accident. They were pretty great to see again."

"Yea, its a lot easier to fight with the weapon modification my father recommended. The training I remember and practiced it more helped too."

"So I take it you are remembering things from your past." Mr Barloc's friend walked away from us and started talking to Emily.

"Yes, but if you don't mind, I'd like to talk about it some other time. I have a prior arrangement with a friend tonight." I kept a smile on my face and glanced over to Emily who appeared to be uncomfortable. "How about tomorrow after the tournaments?"

"I'll have to get back to you, it depends if I have a last minute meeting." He said kindly. "Lavender come say bye to your mom she's leaving for the night."

Lavender ran over to me and jumped forcing me to catch her. "Love you Mommy, have fun."

"Love you too my little angel. I'll see you tomorrow." I kissed her forehead and put her down.

I grabbed Emily's hand and lead her out of the arena.

"You know I didn't mind if you brought your daughter along with us," she said as she shifted her hand to where our fingers intertwined with each other.

"Well. I didn't think it would be fair to you, because I'd be worried about her not running off or getting hurt. Then there wouldn't be time to focus on you. After all I should focus on you since this is our first date."

I gave her a soft kiss on the cheek as we waited on the ride back to Vale. She scooted closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Tomorrow can I officially meet your daughter?"

I was surprised by asking that. "Well like introduce who you are to me kind of way?" She nodded her head softly. "Yea that's fine."

It didn't take long for us to get to the fair grounds after we got back on the ground. It was awhile since I had eaten so I walked over to a noodle booth.

"Emily are you hungry?" I asked as I reached onto my pocket and pulled out my wallet.

"I could eat." She sat down at the booth.

"Good to hear. Two bowls please," I said to the cook as I sat down next to Emily and placed some Lien down to pay.

It didn't take the cook long to give us our food or for us to start having a fun.

"So wait your telling me you once ran into a burning building for what you thought was a little girls sister and it turned out to be a doll?" Emily was laughing.

"Yea, and you should have seen how angry that girl got when I brought it to her because it was a little burned." I stuffed a bunch of noodles in my mouth.

"Well I'm sure its better than having an older brother who likes to play secret agent just so he can tie you up and leave to play games. I can't tell you how many times I fell for it."

I started laughing, but I ended up laughing too hard a noodle managed to come out of my nose, which made Emily laugh even harder. After some more laughs we decided to walk around.

"Hey why don't we go somewhere less crowded to watch the fireworks tonight?" Emily said as we walked past a park full of people. "I know a place that won't be crowded."

"Lead the way" as soon as I spoke she started dragging me away. 

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