Chapter 32

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Ancelote's POV

I was standing next to Arthur and he seemed to be emotionless. There wasn't even a sense of determination in his stance. It was like he knew we were going to lose.

I wasn't going to let that happen. Our fight was about to start and I was ready to fight weather he was or not.

The environment around us was tropical forest on our side and on our opponents had desert. As soon as the night started the guy on the other team used some wind dust and threw sand in our faces to temporarily blind us. When the sand settled down I saw Arthur running into the forest and both opponents were no where in sight.

I readied my shield, but when I tried to pull my sword out of it's sheath  it wouldn't budge. During my struggle I caught a glimpse of something shinny and I raised my shield.

Sure enough an arrow came whirling from the tropical forest and bounced off of my shield. During the attack of more arrows showering down upon my I unbuckled my sheath from my belt.

I lowered my shield and stuck it in the ground and hid behind it. I kept trying to remove my sword from the sheath but I couldn't get it to free itself. I quickly picked up my shield and ran into the forest. The shower of arrows stopped as soon as I got close to the source.

Sure enough the shooter came down and started attacking me with her bow which was apparently also capable of changing to become two blades.

She lunged at me and I blocked one blade with my shield and the other I  tired to use my sword but she was able to remove it from my hand by digging her blade into it. After I lost my sword she swung again and I tried to dodge it but her blade ended up catching with the armor covering my ribs.

"Arthur!" I yelled as I continued fighting. I managed to dodge most of the swings she made and block some with my shield, then suddenly Arthur came and landed on the girl after he appeared to be thrown. While she was down I quickly dove for my sword. Just as I managed to get back up the girls team mate made his way over to us and grabbed Arthur and threw him again.

I caught a glimpse of the team board and I saw Arthur was out and the girl he landed on was really close to being out. I looked at the guy and he was about to run after him until he saw he was no longer on the game.

He turned around to face me and he smiled. "Can you still fly little bird?"

"I know I can run." I ran away from the two of them and made it all the way to the edge of the ring. Sure enough the guy was chasing after me, so I decided to try something.

The guy came about ten feet from me and I ran and used my shield to slide underneath his legs.  He managed to stop before falling off the edge and turned back around to face me I was able to get back up before he could start running again. I managed to get to the girl who was more than ready to get back to fighting. She started swinging her blades at me.

This time one of her blades got caught in the buckle of my sheath. I managed to shift the sheath and that caused her to lose her grip on the blade.

I took the distraction to kick her side and that caused her to crash into her charging teammate. He tried to stop before he crashed into her but with his momentum he didn't have enough time an causing her to no longer be in the fight.

As he fell over his teammate he managed to set off some of his dust which came right for me. I didn't have enough time to react when I felt my feet frozen and stuck on the ground.

I felt myself start to panic. During the dust flying at me I lost my shield. It was about twelve feet from me, thankfully I still had my sword, but it wasn't going to be much help right now.

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