Chapter 11

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Ancelote's POV

I woke up and I looked around the room. Uriah and Quincy were still sleeping, I noticed Arthur wasn't here still. I got up to get my clothes and I noticed Arthur's bed wasn't made neatly.

"So, you where here at some point."

I grabbed my clothes and boots and headed to the locker room. There was a girl in there with me. I got a bad feeling when I got to my locker, and I looked over to the girl who was a few lockers away from me, who started to unlock her locker. Then I heard an unusual click.

My semblance activated and a pair of golden wings reached out from my back and wrapped around the girl as a ball of fire and chunks of metal spread around us. Her weapon was thrown from her locker and met my head. I managed to stay awake until the fire was gone and metal stopped flying around. People started rushing in to find out what happened and some rushed to help with the situation.

Someone tried talking to me but I couldn't hear them and then the girl looked at me like she was worried. She looked like she was yelling for help, but before anyone else could arrive I found myself blacking out.

I found myself in the woods again and it stilled smelled like apple blossoms and vanilla. And I was back in the white silk clothing.

"You're going to end up killing yourself..." The man in armor was leaning against a close by tree.

"Well you can really blame me."

"Yes." He sounded emotionless. "You're doing this to yourself."

"How I can't control this. I can protect everyone but myself. I lose control of what I do and I can't stop it." I was starting to get angry at him for blaming this on me.

"You can control yourself and protect yourself. You just don't want to." He stopped leaning against the tree and took a step closer to me.  "You can't blame anyone but yourself that you can't handle yourself."

"Can't handle myself? Seriously. I've been dealing with these problems since you gave me this so called gift." I pointed at him and stepped away.

"All I did was cause you to have burning pains  and nightmares and I might have added a little bit of aggression into your personality. But I'm not at fault for you not caring about yourself and wanting to be someone else." He stepped closer to me again. "I could have made your life worse that it was but I realized you deserved it. You always help others and stand for what is right. You may not realize it but you are something different. You are a natural hero, but you don't seem to want to be anything."

"I just want to be me. Not a hero not some kid cleaning up after horses. I want to do me. I want to live how I want to live not what I'm suppose to do."  I started to walk away from him.

"Where are you going?" He started to follow me.

"Anywhere it doesn't matter. I'm tired of being blamed for everything."

"So you're planning on running away from yourself? People my blame you for their problems but it only will affect you if you blame yourself too." He then appeared in front of me. "You can't run away from what is meant to happen. You'll just be miserable and blame yourself more than you do." This time he started to walk away from me as he took his helmet off. "Like how you ran away from home. You blame yourself for what she did and so did your father."

"You have no right talking about my mother. She was better than anyone will ever be." I felt myself filling with anger.

"She killed your brother and herself. You think that's good. She almost even killed you." He threw his helmet to the ground.

"Shut up!" I yelled

"You blame yourself the doctors even did. She wasn't mentally stable after she had you. Her being pregnant with you drove her insane." He continued.

"Shut up!" I yelled but this time he vanished and I fell to the ground crying.

"She may have use to be great but she wasn't when she died. She was far from it. You know that." His voice echoed around me and I cried on the ground. "But you are something great. You need to accept who you are."

"I'm not great. I'm a disgrace to myself and those around me." I forced myself to stand and I walked further into the woods.

The smell of apples and vanilla faded away and was filled with the smell of burning wood.  It became hard to breath and when I inhaled it felt like I was setting my lungs on fire.

I looked around and saw the trees on fire. And the flames quickly eating away at the small white flowers turning them into ash. The wind picked up causing the air to grow black and grey as ash and embers flew around me. The fire grew brighter as the ash thickened and covered the ground.

The smoke and ash started to fill my lungs as I desperately  gasped for air.

"You can stop this at anytime. You need to help yourself." I could hear his voice again.

Is he crazy? How can I stop this if I can't even breathe?

"You can stop all of this. But your choosing not too."  I could see his shadow standing in the distance. "You can either die or help yourself. And you can't be a hero if you're dead."

"STOP CALLING ME A HERO!" I yelled and all the rage I didn't let out over the years seemed to all be released at once.

The fire stopped at the sound of my anger and everything went quiet as the ash slowly fell to the ground. I coughed as air entered my lungs.

"I'm not a hero." I whispered as everything vanished around me.

I sat up and I was in the nurse's office. I immediately went into a coughing fit because my lungs still felt like they were on burning.

"Hey easy there," the nurse said as she put her hand on my back, "you had quite a hit."

"I feel like I've been smoking for years right now," I managed to say after I stopped coughing.

"Well it was quite an explosion. Its a miracle you both survived. You with a few burns and a pretty gash and a concussion and her not even a singed hair."

"So she's ok? That's good."

"Yes she's a little shook up, but she's perfectly fine." She smiled at me before she looked at her scroll. "Before I forget... Professor Ozpin would like to talk with you when you feel up to it."

"I think I'm fine. Is he coming here or am I going to him?"

"I came here to check on you but I would like to talk somewhere a bit more private," Professor Ozpin said as he walked up to me.

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