Chapter 35

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Ancelote's POV

I sat down and I was watching Yang's fight while Lavender took a nap. It was cute how she was using my lap as a pillow.

I watched the fight and it was intense. After a few minutes I was surprised by what I saw. The guy was down and Yang just shot him in the leg. Just then Mr Barloc barged into the room.

"Did you see that? Why would anyone do such a thing?" He was yelling and woke up Lavender.

"Hey, do you care if I leave? I need to go see my friend."  I said as I kissed Lavender's forehead and ran out of the room. I ran down and I bumped into Ruby. I didn't have time to talk to her because she ran off after someone.

"Yang what happened?" I said as I finally made my way to her. She had guards surrounding her while the next match started.

"I don't know I saw him attack me. But that's not what everyone else saw..." She looked like she was being honest and I trusted that she was telling the truth. "I wouldn't do that unless they were attacking me."

"I believe you." I placed my hand on her shoulder. "I will get to the bottom of this. And I'll do my best to clear this up if you want me to." She didn't respond to me. "Well I guess..." I got cut off by a kiss.

Well she's not the first person to surprise me with a kiss. She probably won't be the last. Wait I'm dating Emily...

I slightly pushed Yang away from me. "Hey I appreciate the kiss and all, it was nice, but I am currently seeing someone."

"Just take that as a thank you, I don't have anything except my weapon and family to pay you back. Well maybe Zwei but Ruby would kill me." She started rambling on.

I looked over to see the fight I noticed it was Pyrah and some other girl. I regret looking up because when I did I saw the other girl's swords swing behind her and then she was ripped apart.

"Oh shit... Penny..." Yang whispered.

The entire place was quiet then I looked over and saw Ruby crying. Then as if on cue a giant Nevermore crashed through the forcefield that was our ceiling. People were rushing out of the arena in a frantic.

"Lavender..." My mind froze.

"What are you waiting for we've got this." I turned around and a bunch of Griffons and more Nevermore were flying in.

A bunch of lockers came soaring through the sky and knocked down the Nevermore that took out the ceiling, and Ruby ran in front of Pyrah and grabbed the Penny girl's sword. I didn't take time to see how the fight was going to end because I dialed for my locker and grabbed my jacket and tied it around my waist, then I quickly grabbed the dragon and placed it into my jacket pocket before grabbing my sword and shield. I made my way up to the private room.

I occasionally fought off some Grimm, and would help  someone out and get to the exit. Then I finally made my way to the room where Lavender was.

There was a Grimm and Mr Barloc was standing in front of Lavender. I quickly ran up and decapitated the Grimm right as it tried to lunge at them.

"Mommy!" Lavender yelled as she hugged me.

I quickly took the jacket off from around my waist. "Honey I want you to wrap yourself up in this. Look I even have the dragon for you to hold." I pulled the dragon out and handed it to her before wrapping her up in the jacket. "I don't want you to see what's going on. Its not something you should see yet." 

I picked her up and handed her to Mr Barloc. "What's your plan?"

"I'm gonna get you guys out of here and I'm sure you can get to the evacuation ships. I am gonna stay and fight." I readied my sword and shield again. "Stay close to me."

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