Chapter 27

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Ancelote's POV

I looked at Uriah and Quincy and we decided we  were going to follow the plan I came up with. Mostly because we knew where we would be best and Arthur was either out of it with battle strategies or he didn't really care.

It got up to where we were standing in front of our first opponents. It was a group of all guys. Two of them were about the same height as Uriah, but all of them were taller than Arthur and I.  We lined up in front of our opponents as the environment was chosen. On our side we were given a swamp and the other side was a volcanic environment.

"I can work with this," Quincy said quietly as he looked around. "I've got the swamp."

As soon as the battle began I could hear Arthur cussing that Quincy ran into the swamp area.

"Arthur chill out," I said before dodging an explosive. I quickly traced the source to come  from the shortest guy. He used the explosive as a diversion to run into the swamp after Quincy.

"Why are they going against the plan?" Arthur stopped everything and started talking to me.

"Well don't worry about it too much." I said as I pulled him out of the way of a swinging club. "Just worry about staying in the fight."

I swung my sword and raised my shield to block the second swing of the club. Arthur didn't seem to really be trying to win this fight.

I heard an explosion then someone scream. I looked around quickly to see a guy with dark green hair fly out of the ring with a cloud of black smoke following him.

I ducked to the side and hit the guy with the club in his ribs causing him to get sent flying into a pile of rocks. The rocks crumbled from his impact and lava spat out at him. I felt bad when it sent him flying into the air just to come crashing back to the ground. I didn't have time to focus on if he was seriously hurt because one of his team mates charged at me.

His fist came into contact with my jaw and I stumbled back. I went to swing my sword at him but Arthur jumped in the way as I swung my sword. I stopped my sword before it hit Arthur, just as I lowered my sword he ducked and a boomerang made contact with my chest and caused me to fly backwards.

"Damn it Arthur." I whispered at I got up. I looked around and saw my sword  about twenty feet away from me. I quickly scouted around and I noticed the fighter board Quincy and I were the only members left on outer team, but he only had a little bit of his aura left and I wasn't allowed to regenerate his health during the tournaments. If it gets any lower I will be left to fight both of them alone.

I ran to my sword and lifted my shield to block the incoming boomerang. When it bounced off  and went back to its owner, I slid my sword into my shield until I heard the click that caused my shield to shift around my sword creating the double edged battle axe.

I started to run when I felt my back heat up and I was launched into the air by lava shooting upwards. As soon as I was in the air I felt wind start to swarm around me and it quickly went still as the wings sprouted out of my back and lowered me safely to the ground.

The guy in front of me looked shocked but quickly shook out of it and as he shifted his boomerang in his hand I noticed it was also a gun. He started firing at me and the wings as if on cue wrapped around me as if it were a shield.

When the wings moved form around me I starts to swing the axe at the guy and I caught a glimpse of the other guy charging at me with a great sword. I quickly jumped upwards and thanks to the wings I went high enough to completely avoid the attack and the guy charged right into his team mate.

They both started to attack and I would exchange using the wings to block attacks from one at attacking the other until they vanished while I ducked under the  great sword and rammed the handle of my weapon into his gut causing him to stumble and fall over.

Now the game was one on one. I quickly shifted my weapon back to being a sword and shield. As the boomerang guy fired at me. I rolled to the side and used my arm with the shield to propel myself up into the air. I aimed my shield to protect myself from him firing at me, and I landed behind him and quickly turned to place my sword to his neck.

With this action the he raised his hands and dropped his weapon, surrendering the match.

The horn sounded that the match was finished and I moved the sword and placed it into its sheath.

"Good match dude." the guy turned around and shook my hand.

"It was a lot of fun. Good job, that was a good match," I said back to him.

I walked out of the ring and gathered up with my team and they looked excited.

"That was pretty cool," Uriah said as he hugged me.

"Ouch..." I soft complained. "I may have burned my back a little bit with that lava."

"Let's go get that checked out." Quincy suggested.

"Ok, before we go take care of her boo boo," Arthur said mockingly. "I want to know why the fuck did you guys not follow the plan." He was pissed off.

"Your plan wasn't going to help us win. You know Quincy is great at taking enemies by surprise and not being on the front line. I can do so much more than distract people, I actually covered Quincy so he could take out that green hair guy." Uriah was also pissed now. I had never heard Uriah yell and it made me nervous actually hearing him do so. "You are yelling at us about a plan when all you did was get in the way of Ancelote's attack you never even drew your weapon or hit anyone. It was like you wanted us to lose, we joined this to show what we can do not lose the first chance you decide to."

"I am your leader and I decide what we do and your job is to follow like the rest of the team." Arthur yelled back.

"Do you even know what a team is or why there is a leader? We are supposed to work together and strive to do the best possible, and the leader is suppose to help keep us together. You may have been chosen to be our groups leader, but Ancelote has been doing a better job at that then you have." Uriah stormed off and I never even saw Quincy leave, but when I looked to where he was he was gone. 

"So you're turning the team against me now. What next our daughter?" Arthur turned to face me.

"I never did anything."

"He called you by name and said you're a better leader than me, which means one of two things. He is saying you are a horrible leader and you still would do better than me, or you have been taking over my job behind my back. Which I know it can't be the first one." He grabbed a hold of my armor and shoved me against the wall.

"I haven't done anything."

"Keep taking things away from me and see what happens but I am warning you, it will not be pretty." He pulled me close to him then shoved me into the wall again. Then he started to walk away.

"I don't know why you keep blaming me for things you do." I made sure I said it loud enough for him to hear. "I never did anything to make you do this to me. If you hated me so much why did you save me all those years ago. You could have left me with my father, but you didn't."

"Don't you see?" He started to laugh. "I didn't save you I just took you from one type of pain because I knew I could use you to my advantage. Do you know how many fights I have won since you joined me?" He turned to face me.

I remained silent because I had no clue what he was meaning.

"I like power, Ancelote. Yea my family gave me power just by having me, but it wasn't enough. With you on my side I never lost a fight, and you know what that gave me the power I wanted."

"Power doesn't last you know." I interrupted his rambling.

"Oh you have been taking my power away and making people no longer respect me, but I have a new way to get the power and respect I deserve." He turned around and left.

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