Chapter 2

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Ancelote's POV

When Arthur and I entered the room we saw Quincy was looking in the mirror adjusting his mask.

He wears it to cover the burn on his face and to hide his blind eye so people don't get stare at it which we don't mind.

I guess he could sense the situation because he grabbed Arthur and left the room.

I sat down on my bed and looked at my shoes.

"Why does it matter who I use to be?"

"Have you tried just being open about it?" Uriah peaked his head up from his bed. "Hey I have a favor to ask. Could you get this pencil out of my mane? I fell asleep working this problem out again." He stood up and came over to me.

"Sure thing," I said as I helped pull the pencil out, "there you go my little lion friend."

"We both know I'm twice your size." He laughed.

He wasn't wrong him being a lion faunus made him pretty tall and I'm pretty sure he never works out from what I've seen, but he is pretty toned. There isn't a single person in their right mind that would pick a fight with him.

"Are you still working on that equation to make the healing dust?" I asked after I went over to his bed and he followed me.

"Yea. Theoretically it should be possible with all of these different types and if I can just get the proper measurements I should be able to pull it off."

"I'm sure you will figure it out." I patted his shoulder and went back to my bed.

I opened my scroll and saw I had a message from Arthur.

'Ancelote I'm really sorry... I'll be back later.'

I closed my scroll and decided I should go get something to eat, so I went to the cafeteria.

Since its the weekend I didn't expect anyone to really be there but I was surprise when I saw team RWBY and JNPR  sitting together and a few other people scattered throughout the room.

I was still limping a bit but I went and grabbed me something to eat and I went and sat alone.

I looked at the food and I don't know why I decided to get food. I wasn't even hungry and I wasn't really in the mood to get food.

After while I still hadn't eaten my food but most of the people had left. Team RWBY and JNPR were being loud but then they suddenly got quite.  As if on cue my scroll went off.

I looked at it and I had 23 messages from Arthur. His messages made it seem like he was worried, but I really didn't want to talk to him.

'Can't talk now, sorry.' I messaged him back.

As I put my scroll away I felt someone's hand land on my shoulder causing me to jump.

"Hey Ancelote right?" Yang asked before sitting down next to me, "are you ok? You seem a little down."

"Oh... Yes I'm fine." I said before finally taking a bite of my food. I quickly regretted it because it had grown to be very cold and some of its taste had left.

She gave me a weird look. "I don't believe that... I know I don't really know you very well since we just met and all but I don't think anyone in a good mood would get food and let it sit for almost two hours and let it go cold."

"Ok I'm not fine but I don't want to talk about it." I said trying to not sound cold.

"Ok well when your done eating, can you do me a favor?"  She asked as she adjusted herself to face me.

"I owe you, so sure." I said as I looked down at the food.

"You don't owe me anything." She said as waved off the thought of me owing her.

"On my honor when I say I owe someone I mean it." I said as I stood up. 

It kinda seemed like she thought I was joking and it kinda upset me.

"I always keep my word. If I cannot keep my honor then what do I have to fight for?" I said as I grabbed my tray. "I'm gonna throw this out."

I guess she noticed I was limping still because she took my tray before I could stop her and she took care of it.

"Ok so since you're done, that favor come and join us and have a few laughs." She said as she drug me to her friends.

"So I've heard you fight with a sword and shield." Jaune said seeming interested.

"Yea. I'm a bit old fashioned to a point but my father made me remodel a shield so I can attach it to my sword and turn then into a double edged war ax. But I don't like the feel of it much." I stopped myself because I felt like I was going to start rambling.

"So what's your semblance?" The little red head girl who I believe her name is Nora asked.

"Well I don't really know what to call it people call it so many different things," I said as I looked around at them, "but basically its protecting and healing other people."

"Earlier I heard your semblance doesn't help you heal. Why is that?" Yang asked as she leaned in closer to me.

"I can't talk about that..." I looked down toward the table. "It causes too many problems when people know."

"Now I want to know even more." Nora wined.

"You'll learn eventually Nora, just sit down," Ren said while sitting patiently but he seemed to give off a vibe of wanting to go do something other than sit and chat.

My scroll went off and when I looked I saw it was another message from Arthur.

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