Chapter 43

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Ancelote's POV

The next morning I found myself laying in bed with Yang. I was confused at first when I saw I just had my underwater and bra on, but was a bit relieved when I looked at her and saw she was in her pajamas.

Ok so nothing happened last night.

I carefully got up and found my clothes on Yang's floor, so I put them on. I turned to leave but before I did I went over to the still sleeping Yang. I leaned down and brushed her hair off of her face and softly kissed her temple.

"Blake..." She mumbled in her sleep. With her words  I left feeling bad.

I guess you are in love with her still. After long talks while I was waiting for word that I could go back to work, Yang admitted to me she loved Blake, but Blake couldn't decide on of she wanted to be with monkey boy or Yang. Yang believes that Blake running away was Blake's decision to not choose Yang.

I walked down the hall and put on clean clothes. Before grabbing the dragon and its pouch and putting it on my belt.

"Hey Ancelote, would you be willing to chop some wood for me? I'm gonna head into town and get a few things." Tai asked from the other side of the door.

I had volunteered to pay for the time I spent at their house but Tai refused the offer. Then somehow I co evinced him to leg me pay him back by doing some chores for him.

I walked over to the door and opened it before I said, "yea, no problem."

"Thanks," he said as he smiled at me like he knew something I didn't. "The axe is already out there."

"No problem." I walked past him and out of the building. I found where they chop wood and there was a pretty decent size axe just sitting there in a tree trunk. A few feet a way there was a stack of uncut of wood chunks.

First I moved the wood closer to the tree stump. Once I was done I grabbed the axe and started cutting wood. It took a few pieces until I got use to the feel of the axe and it became easier to cut the wood. After about two hours of cutting, I started to get really hot so I took my shirt off and tied it around my waist.

Once I continued cutting wood I heard a whistle. I looked around and saw Yang leaning against a support beam on her porch. She had her new arm on.

"Did you just cat call me?" I asked as I swing the axe down and cut another piece of wood and leaving the axe stuck in the tree trunk. I didn't want to say anything about the arm because I wasn't sure how she would react to me talking about it.

"Well you are out here not wearing a shirt," she said as I made my way to her.

"Well I'm wearing it around my waist."

"You should stop WAISTing time, that wood isn't gonna chop itself." She smiled at me.

"Well you are in a better mood, your making puns again," I said before grabbing her shirt and pulling her closer to me so I could give her a kiss.

She playfully pushed me away. "No you're sweaty."

"Well I have been out here cutting wood for a few hours." I started to head back and picked up the wood I had cut and moved them to a pile near their back door.

"Well you can stop if you want you've cut more than enough wood for a while." She looked at the wood and started helping me carry some. "You don't have to, but I was wondering if you would want to go for a walk with me. After you shower."

I started to laugh before I said, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say you think I smell right now."

She just smiled and continued stacking wood with me.

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