Chapter 20

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Ancelote's POV

I adjusted my button up shirt as I waited for the car to show up.  I stood outside of Beacon gates and finally a shiny black car pulled up and the door opened and a little girl excitedly jumped out and hugged me.

"Hey, sweet heart." I took a step back and knelt down so I could hug her.

She wrapped her tiny arms around my neck, her hair briefly surrounded my face and it left a slight hint of apple pie.

"So are you ready to go eat," I asked as I pulled away from her hug and looked at her.

She was wearing a pink blouse and a soft yellow skirt with little pink flowers on them. Someone put her hair up and it was held in place with a little yellow bow.

"Yes. I would like lunch." She sounded so proper but also like she was nervous.

"You look pretty today. Why don't we get going, I know a good place we can go."

She smiled and nodded to me. We quickly got into the car and I made sure she buckled up and then we continued on to the restaurant I told the driver to go to.

We eventually made it to the restaurant. She looked so excited when she saw the restaurant. It was a brunch place where people commonly too little girls to have meals and/or tea parties.

"Here we are. I don't know if you like this kind of thing but I thought it would be a good start." I said as I unbuckled her because she seemed to be having a hard time getting it undone.

"It looks fun mommy." She sounded excited.

I freaked out a little bit by her calling me mommy, but seeing how excited she was made my nerves settle down.

She grabbed my hand as we started to walk inside.

"Welcome to the Princess's Teacup. How many princesses are we seating today." A short woman said while having a smile plastered on her face.

"One tiny princess plus me." I said kindly.

"Mommy, I don't want to be a princess. I want to be a hero knight like you," She whispered to me like she would be rude if she said it any louder.

The lady seated us at a table and brought a booster so Lavender could sit at the table too.

"Lavender, you can be a princess and still be," I said as I lifted her up to her seat, "a hero knight like me and your daddy."

"Daddy was a hero knight too?" She looked at me in a amazement.

"Yea... You're my princess and you can be a hero knight."

"Can I be an angle too?" She asked sweetly as I started to look at the menu.

I put the menu down and looked over at her. "Do you mean angel?" She nodded her head. "You're already an angel."

She blushed and looked down and started to use the coloring page they use as a menu for the kids that come in here.

"Have you guys  decided on what you will eat?" It was a different woman this time she was a little bit taller than the one that seated us.

"Fwench toast." Lavender ordered for herself and I looked over and I notice was was being observant about what the possible choices were instead of reading the menu.

"I'll have the same." I said as I looked at her feeling a bit proud.

"And to drink?"

"Apple juice." She seemed so proud ordering for herself, it kinda seemed like she never got to choose her food before.

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