Chapter 34

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Ancelote's POV

I was helping Lavender put the foam armor on when I noticed it was a little too big on her.

She'll grow into it.

After I finished putting her armor on I handed her the foam sword she loved so much.

"Can we play fight?" She looked up to me and I placed a helmet on her head.

"How about I teach you some stuff?" I asked as I grabbed the other sword.

"Yeah!" She yelled as she raised her sword. 

I got down on my knees so I was closer to her height. "Ok first you need to fix your stance. Which hand do you like to color with most?" She showed me it was the hand with the sword. "Ok place that foot a little in front of you..."

After about two hours of her learning about sword fighting I stood up and we practiced her fighting a bigger opponent. When we were done it was time for lunch so I took her armor off.

"Are you hungry?" She nodded her head. "Do you want to go out or do you want me to cook something?"

"You can cook?" She looked amazed. "We have cooks do that. Do you?"

"No.  You don't need people to do things for you if you can do it yourself." I felt like I probably laid a big concept on a small child.

"Can I watch you cook?" She asked as she drug me into  the small kitchen the suite had.

"Can you bring a chair in here while I get stuff out to cook with?" She ran off and I could hear a chair being dragged, while I pulled out a pan, spatula, butter, cheese and bread.

"Here." Lavender climbed up on the chair and looked over at what I was doing.

"Well we don't have time for anything fancy, so I am going to make something quick and easy." I turned the stove on and turned to Lavender and said, "now don't touch this it is going to get very hot."

She nodded her head, so I turned and buttered the bread before placing cheese in between the slices. I carefully placed the sandwich to be into the now hot pan. It didn't take long for the sandwich to get done.

Lavender took the chair back to where she got it and I cut the sandwich in half and placed it onto two plates. I found her sitting at a table so I placed a plate in front of her and the other I placed where I sat down.

"What is that?" She asked as she looked at the sandwich.

"It's called grilled cheese," I said before taking a bite. "Trust me its good."

She looked at me like I was crazy before she hesitantly took a bite.  After a few seconds she looked up at me and smiled before taking another bite.

"I'm guessing you like it?" I smiled at her as she nodded her head. "You know what goes great with this... Tomato soup, especially on a chilly day."

It didn't take us long to finish eating and as soon as we were done I washed the dishes I used. When I was done I realized it was time to leave to get to the tournaments.

"Hey sweetheart its time to go." I put my jacket on and she came running out wearing the foam armor. "What do you want to wear your armor there?"

"Can I?" After I nodded my head she ran and grabbed her sword. "Can I take this too?"

"As long as you don't forget it." I put my hand into my pocket and smiled at the dragon that was still sitting there.

"I won't, I pwomise."

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