Chapter 6

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Ancelote's POV

As Arthur finished tracing over the 'tattoo' Uriah walked in with Quincy. Uriah quickly covered Quincy's good eye and walked him out of the room.

I guess I could see where they would take the way this looks wrong and we defiantly need to tell them about this. I guess now is as good of a time as any?

"When they come back in, we have to tell them about what's going on." I didn't care about how he was going to respond.

"I don't..."

"They are our team mates for the next four years. This isn't going to stop now... And you may not be around when I need you." I set up my reasoning because I knew that this would be the start of an argument. "I know we have a set of rules we have to follow but we can't hide this."

"I'm against it... But its your choice... This is happening to you not me.". He actually sounded reasonable which was a very strange for him.

"Really? You're ok with this?" I wasn't able to stand up yet but pain was gone.

"No. I'm really not, but I'm trusting you are making the right choice." He turned away and put the little box up. "But that means I have to teach them how to do the ink."

We didn't really know what the stuff was but it was very similar to the ink of a pen, except it wasn't meant for a pen it helps hold off part of what my semblance does unless I want it to be used.

"What about team RWBY? They seem to really care about you." He sat down at his desk and started to wrote something down.

"Well we'll have to see I guess. We can't tell a group yet... I don't want this to spread around the school. We can't have that."

I started to feel like my old self after about half an hour and I decided I was gonna take a shower.

"Are you sure it won't wash off?" Arthur asked as I grabbed my shower stuff.

"We both know it last about a week. If you want me to wait we can go train for a bit and I'll shower after that." I really just wanted to move around a bit.

He agreed to do a bit of training with me so we headed to the training room. On my way there I realized the pain from me spraining my ankle was gone, and I assumed it must have healed from the serge of energy.

Arthur went and changed into his battle uniform and I didn't really care so I put the bit of armor I wear over what I wore yesterday and grabbed my helmet and my sword and shield were on my back.

"Really?" Arthur questioned me once he saw what I was wearing.

"What? Is there something wrong?"

"Never mind come on let's go." He said as he drew his weapon.

He was a great with a sword, but he preferred to use what he liked to call Ferries Ardentibus. One end was a sword that could become engulfed with flames at the push of a button and the other released dust capsules that were pretty much different types of bombs. His weapon alone made him a fun sparing partner, but his semblance was a complete different story, when he wants he can catch fire and be a blind people, sometimes to where looking at him is like looking at the sun, but his semblance can't be used to hurt people unless he directs it into his weapon. It really throws off who ever he is fighting sadly he can only his brightest form for about ten seconds. He normally doesn't even use his semblance in fights though.

We trained for about half an hour but I had to stop because of a pain starting to creep through my body.

"You know we should work a bit more on that. In battle we can stop fighting or we could get killed," he said as he panted, "but with how skilled you are a fight probably wouldn't last very long."

"Yea." I sat down on one of the benches in the room.

"I think you should still work on getting a projectile function. Like launching your shield after its been attached to the sword." He strapped Ferries Ardentibus to his side. "It could be helpful."

"Maybe" I decided to stand up and I started to leave. "I'm gonna shower now."

The showers were empty which I wouldn't normally mind, but it was way too quiet. There wasn't even the sound of a drippy faucet with in the room.

I turned the shower on and stepped away for it to warm up, while I took my clothes and armor off. I put my armor and the rest of my battle gear into my locker then I got into the shower.

"You didn't seem to be the type to have tattoos."  I turned around and saw team RWBY.

I laughed a little bit by Yang and Ruby being covered in mud, and Weiss looking like she was hugged by one of them and partially being covered with mud herself. Blake was standing about four feet from them to avoid the mud.

"Yea. I kinda have one but the rest is a special ink." I said before turning around and facing the wall.

"The placement seems to be well thought out." Blake grabbed my wrist and examined the ink circles on my body. "Is it a special type of ritual or something?" She asked as she traced a circle on my wrist.

"Yea... It is specially designed to help me with..." I decided not to say what it was last minute, "something."

"It looks really cool," Yang said as she wrapped her muddy arm around me, "I never really figured you be so bad ass and get a tattoo."

"Yea," I said as I moved her arm off of me and washed the mud off.

"We should let her take her shower," Weiss said as she looked over at Ruby who already started to shower. She quickly looked back and she was softly blushing.

I assumed Yang didn't notice because she didn't make any jokes about her blushing. But she did make a joke about her being a stick in the mud before hugging her and picking her up.

While they were all distracted I rinsed off and turned the shower off. I grabbed my towel and wrapped of around me, then I grabbed my shower stuff and dirty clothes and went to back to my dorm. 

Quincy was in the room and he appeared to be doing homework. He glanced over at me and then quickly looked away.

"Sorry... I didn't know it was you." He stayed looking down at his books.

"Its fine. I should have checked to see if anyone was here." I opened my desk drawer (I used all but one drawer in my desk for my clothes and personal stuff and the top drawer had spare notebooks and other spare school supplies) and I pulled out a plum purple tank top and a pair grey skinny jeans. I quickly got dressed and went over to my bed.

"I'm decent now Quincy." I started to look around for my combat boots when I realized I must have left them in my locker. "I'll be back."

"Hey can we all talk as a team later? Like about this morning and what ever is going on with all these markings."

I stopped and looked at him. "If you want to we can. I'll let Arthur know if you tell Uriah." I said before I headed back to my locker. 

The room was once again empty so I went to my locker and grabbed my boots and I realized I had also left my scroll with them.

I might as well tell Arthur now. I thought as I messaged him.

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