Chapter 41

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Ancelote's POV

I was forced to take a different path than I normally would because some Grimm were attacking someone. When I got the source I saw Ruby and what was three remaining members of team JNPR fighting Grimm.

As soon as I had gotten there they finished off the remaining Grimm.

"Hey what do you know I was just coming over to see you," I said once things settled down. "Well Ruby that is."

"Ancelote!" Ruby ran and hugged me. "Did you give my letter to Weiss?"

"Yes I did. And she said if I see you to say hi." She looked disappointed until I said, "she also said to tell you, you are still her favorite dolt."

She hugged me really tight and I felt like she was going to crush my ribs.

"Hey where are you heading?" She asked once she let go.

"To your house. I have to talk to your uncle. And the Patch is where I am getting picked up in six days." I put my hands in my pockets.

"Wait, I thought you were doing security for the Schnee Dust Company. Why would they send you to talk to my uncle?" Ruby stepped back like I had lied to her.

"They aren't the ones who sent me. I've been relieved of duty, I'm here on business for General Ironwood." I looked around the forest around us.

"What are you looking for?" Jaune didn't seem to trust me, I couldn't really blame him especially after what we all had been through. Plus I am the one that vanishes a lot.

"Look, since last night I've learned there are people who want me." I looked at them and they seemed surprised. "Weather or not its dead or alive I don't know, but I'm sure its the people who took my daughter."

"Do you think they are following you?" Nora asked as she tightened her grip on her hammer.

"I don't know, they shouldn't know I'm here only two people in Atlas knows I'm here. That is the man who sent me and Weiss." They looked a bit relieved when I said that.

"Well, time is ticking and we have to head to Haven." I could tell Jaune really wanted to get away from me.

"Yea, well I wish you guys the best of luck." I pulled out my wallet, "oh and Ruby I want you to have something." I pulled out a playing card and handed it to her.

"A card?" She looked at it and I could tell she was confused.

"Its my lucky card, I never went to battle without it. But it also is a symbol." I turned the card over so she could see what was on it. "The Ace card can either be good or bad depending on the game played. Battles are the same, you have to pick your battles before jumping in. Sometimes it can appear to be good, but in the end it might not be what you thought it was." I stepped away from her and turned around. "I've got to get going. I've got to walk all night to get to your place by tomorrow evening."

"Well make sure you get some sleep," Ren said from behind me. "They say a tired warrior is a sloppy warrior."

After we all said good bye we started to go our different ways.

It quickly became dark and I had to make a torch so I could see. It was weird walking in the woods at night it always has been that way for me. All the noises plus the fact I can only see so far in the dark it freaks me out a little bit.

After about nine hours of walking in the dark the sun finally started to rise, so I put out my torch and continued walking for about four more hours until I reached a small market place inside the village that was close to where Yang was.

"Hey Ancelote. I didn't expect to see you back here so soon." I turned around to see Tai holding a lot of bags.

"Yea, I'm here to talk to Qrow," I said as I took my bag off my bag and pulled out the box for Yang, "and deliver this to Yang."

Tai quickly put his bags down. "May I see?" I handed it over to him as he examined the box before opening it. "Wow... I thought I was going to save up money to by her one of these."  He turned the box around to show a silver robotic arm.

"Well it seems someone in Atlas is keeping an eye on her," I said as I put my bag back on. "Well she did earn it too."

"Yea..." He sounded concerned, "sadly she isn't doing too well physically she is, but mentally she doesn't seem to be."

"Do you want me to talk to her?"

"If you want to catch Qrow before he leaves, you should go to the bar, he is restocking on whiskey before he leaves." He grabbed his bags while holding the box under his arm, "I'll give this to Yang, while you do that."

"Thank you," I said before running off to the bar. I quickly spotted him talking to the man at the bar. "Qrow Brawen?"

"Huh?" He questioned as he turned around. "Oh a kid."

"I'm not a kid, I'm 19 and I have to talk to you." He turned back to the bar as I spoke.

"I think I'll need a second bottle," He said to the bartender. "Look kid I'm a busy person I have things to do and people to see."

"I was told to tell you I'm a friend of your nieces." He seemed a bit more interested now. "But I'm not here for them, I was sent by General Ironwood he said you have information for him."

"Oh  great he sent a kid to do his work." He grabbed a cup and swallowed the remaining content.

"People are blaming him for his machines turning on people, and he made me a deal. That he would help me get my daughter back from whoever took down beacon," I said as I took his glass from him. "Look he told me to gather the information you have. I'm only following orders."

"That sounds like James. Making deals he can't hold up on." He sighed before pulling out his flask. "Look all I know right now is the next place they are going after is Haven. Ruby and her friends think they can stop them but we need a miracle. Or another great..."

"Great protector of men." I finished his sentence and he looked surprised.

"Ok you're kinda freakin' me out kid." He looked at his flask and put it away. "How do you know about that?"

"Well it is a fairy tale." I tried to be nonchalant but he saw right through me. "Fine, my mother was the last one and I just so happen to be the current one."

He looked surprised and turned back to the bartender. "I am going to need three bottles." The bartender sighed as he went into a back room. "Look kid I don't know what..."

"Do you know what Flores Animarum are?" I cut him off. "Or the eye of Horus?" I unbuttoned my shirt a little bit to show the mark on my chest. "These came when I didn't expect them, I've blacked out and found myself talking to some man that doesn't exist at least not anymore. Either that or he is my conscience."

"Wait what does this man look like?" That seemed to be the most interesting thing he heard leave my mouth.

"He had rust orange eyes and Lavender hair, and he wears a full suit of old fashioned armor." I was confused on why he was asking.

"Does he look like this?" He asked after pulled out his scroll and pulled up a picture of an old drawing that looked almost exactly like him.

"Holy shit..." I gasped as I nodded my head.

"Maybe we have more hope now," he grabbed the bottles of whiskey and stood up. "Well when you get the chance you need to meet up with Ruby, if you can help her manage the powers she has, we have a chance to win. Don't forget to tell James... I mean Ironwood what I told you, their next target is Haven."  He began to walk away and i heard him mutter, "the angels are back."

After he walked over to the bartender and paid for his bottles he walked out, and the bartender brought a glass of whiskey over to me.

"I didn't order anything."

"He bought it for you, he said it was his treat for taking care of his niece." He turned away and took care of another customer.

After quickly swallowing the drink I stood up and started toward my original destination.

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