Chapter 31

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Ancelote's POV

It was almost dawn when we woke up and I felt bad for having to rush her to get dressed because I still had to get my armor back after it got repaired.

"Do you want your jacket?" She asked me as I toed my boots.

"Why don't you wear it to wish me luck today?" I smiled at her as I stood up.

"Sure thing." She giggled as she put it on and zipped it up.

"Hey you still want to formally meet Lavender tonight right?" I wasn't sure why Lavender popped into my mind but as soon as she was there I had to ask Emily about meeting her.

"Of course, she is important to you so I want to get to know her." She grabbed my hand and looked down at the blanket. "I'll come back later to take that home I don't feel like carrying it around until after your match."

"If you say so..."

We went to the weapon smith and I examined to make sure my armor was fixed like I had paid for. Once I had decided it was fine, I had to part ways with Emily. She gave me a quick kiss for good luck and I went into the locker room.

I noticed people starring at me as I walked past them, but it felt different than when they all though I was going to blow up the place.

"Well it looks like you had fun last night." Yang said from behind me as I took my shirt off. "Looks like you did a good job too."

"What are you talking about?" I asked as I turned to face her after I put my black tank top on and grabbed my armor.

"Well you've got a couple hickeys and some nice scratches on your back." She nudged my arm. "Plus you're practically glowing right now and you showed up in the same clothes you left in last night."

"Ok yes. I had fun last night." I gave in and tightened the straps on my armor before I grabbed my sword and shield.

"I wouldn't had believed you if you said you didn't, but seriously there is one hickey that is really noticeable." She poked the spot she was talking about.

"I'll have to check it out later I need to find my team." I said as I ran past her and out of the locker room.

Thankfully it didn't take long to find my team because they were by the schedule for today's fights.

"Sorry I'm late, I'm here," I said as I made it up to them.

"Where were you last night? We had a team meeting." Arthur was in one of his pissed off moods already.

"Sorry I didn't know. I had a date. Why didn't any one message me?" I asked as I pulled out my scroll to see if I had any missed messages, which I didn't.

"Arthur said he had messaged you..." Quincy said softly.

"Ok well I don't want a fight right now what are the plans for today?" I asked quickly before a fight could start.

"Its me and you out there today." Arthur answered my question but I wish he had given me a different answer.

"No offence, you a great fighter and all, but why are you going out? I get why I'm going out I finished the fight, but why not Quincy? He was the last person to get out on our team." I felt bad for saying that but it was the truth.

"Wait is that a hickey?" Arthur was examining my neck now.

"It doesn't matter."

"Are you serious instead of being with your team you go and get laid?"

I realized he was looking for a reason to start a fight and I guess he was willing to look for anything to be his reason.

"I didn't plan on it happening ok, it just happened." I looked over at the schedule for today's tournaments and we didn't get to fight until close to the end of the day.

"Look I don't care what your beef is with me, but we are a team and you should at least let us know your alive after we had been fighting during the day." He balled his fist and I saw smoke starting to slowly rise up from his fist.

"Ok, I see what your saying. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys I was going on a date, or that I wasn't coming back to the dorm last night." I raise my hands up in the air. "Just so you know I'm going to be with Lavender and show her around the fair today. I should be back at the dorm around eleven."

His face went from being stressed and angry to immediately looking confused. "Ok then... I have a meeting to attend with my father I should be done by lunch, either way I'll be here before our match."

"Since I don't need it yet I'm gonna go put my weapon up." I walked away and went back to the locker room.

"Are you sure Arthur is actually going to follow through with the plan?"

I was surprised there were still people in the locker room but I was also curious about why they were talking about Arthur for.

"Well he knows what will happen if he doesn't." That voice was familiar.

"Why did you involve him in this? Not to question you, I was just wondering."

"Well that girl can ruin our plans, you should know you've seen her fight. She's taken and entire section of the white fang out single handedly. Not that we couldn't take her but you have your orders and I have mine and we can't waste time." I wanted to find out who the people that were talking were but when I moved my shield slightly tapped a locker, and when I moved around to see them, they were gone.

"Maybe I'm just hearing things," I whispered to myself as I walked to my locker to put my weapon up and I heard a door close and what sounded like Emily laughing.

I quickly turned a found saw Emily walking up to me. "What are you doing back in here?"

"I'm putting my sword and shield up." I gently placed my sword and shield in their place, and I turned to face her as I closed the locker.

"Well I wanted to see you and I saw you come this way." She softly pushed me against the locker. "I wanted to do this." She pressed her lips to mine.

"I'd love to do this, but I've got to get to go see my daughter." I quickly came up with an excuse. Its not that I didn't want to kiss her or anything like that but this wasn't the place for it. "I told her I would see her before we meet her tonight."

"Aww, are you sure?" She kissed the hickey on my neck.

"Look maybe later after the fight, but right now I have to see my daughter." She pulled me onto another kiss, this kiss was passionate but also a bit forceful. "I'm not kidding, I like you and all, but I made a promise to my daughter and I'm not going to go back on it," I said as I lightly pushed her back.

"Fine..." She pouted at me.

"I'll see you later." I gave her a quick kiss. "Come on we need to get you out of here, you're not suppose to be in here." I lead her out of the locker room and gave her another kiss before heading up to the private room where Lavender was.

I walked in and saw Lavender playing with toys in the corner.

"Hey sweetheart." I said as I kneeled down next to her. "What are you playing?"

"The hero knights are fighting to be the best." She handed me a toy and I started to play with her. After a few hours she looked up at me and asked, "Mommy, why doesn't Daddy love me no more?"

"Of course he loves you." I looked at her and she started to cry. "What would ever make you ask a question like that?" I honestly didn't know how he felt for her except I knew he cared about how she saw him.

"Daddy doesn't talk to me anymore or play games with me." I pulled her into my lap and whipped the tears off her face.

"Of course he loves you he's just been busy. Like how your grandpa has his meetings your father has things to do too."

She pulled me into a tight hug. "Mommy, I love you and Daddy."

I looked up and saw Arthur standing in the door way. "We love you too." He smiled at me after I spoke and went into one of the side rooms.

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