Chapter 45

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Third person POV

"You little brat" Mercury shook his fist in the air at the small child before him.

"What are you going on about now?" Emerald walked into the room.

"This little brat bit me," he yelled as a child coward in the corner hugging her mother's jacket.

"Stop trying to take the jacket from her then." Emerald said as she walked closer to the little girl.

"She doesn't need it. Its too big on her. Plus its a nice jacket."

"Well she is doing a good job at keeping it from you." Emerald laughed before crouching down in front of the girl. "Lavender do you want me to make him leave you alone?"

The child refused to respond to her.

"She still isn't going to talk." Mercury said as he started to leave the room. "If you want her to talk just don't feed her."

"Mommy is going to beat you guys, and save me." The child spoke softly.

"Yea, its a shame she didn't die like she was suppose to." Mercury turned and faced the girl. "But don't worry when she gets here I'll take her out myself." He left the room laughing like a mad man.

"Eat your dinner." Emerald placed a plate on a near by table before she left the room locking it.

The little girl covered herself in her mother's jacket and started to cry.

*mean while in the other room*

"Adam is there any word from the people working on getting that child's mother?" A woman decorated like the Grimm asked a man with red hair and wearing a leather jacket with a rose on the back.

"Word has it she left Atlas for break." He kept his distance from her but he didn't seem scared of her. "She is currently in Vale, my informants say they saw her in a bar in the Patch. They were talking about something to do Haven."

"Then send your men..."

"No offence Salem, but she was with Qrow Brawen. My men can not take on both of them and come back alive. I'm..."

"Your men don't have to do any fighting. We have the perfect bait sitting just in that room." Salem pointed at the door leading to the room the little girl was in. "We need to get this Ancelote to either work with us or get out of the way."

"Is that why there is a child here?" Adam looked over at the door. "I thought you decided to start a daycare."

"I need you to take the child to Mistral and wait for further instruction. You can continue playing with your gang but don't lose that child or you will regret it."

"Yes Madame." Adam backed away and entered the room the child was in and came out carrying a sleeping child tangled up in the jacket. "It seems she cried herself to sleep."

"Well she's just waisting tears she should wait for her mother's death." Mercury said as he sat down and leaned his chair back.

Emerald immediately leaned closer to Cinder before she said, "she wants you to shut the fuck up."

"Fine then I won't talk, you'll have to beg me to speak around you again." He said as he put his feet on the table.

"We can all live with you not talking." Emerald spoke for herself.

"Well I've got to get going. I want to get to Mistral before this kid wakes up and starts crying." Adam said as he started to walk down the hall.

"Don't forget to actually keep her alive Adam, " Salem yelled to him. "Treat her like you would treat a faunus child."

"Fine what ever you say." He vanished into the darkness carrying the sleeping child.

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