Chapter 37

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Ancelote's POV

"Sir, they managed to beat me by having... One of their men stab me when I was facing them. I know how to find them. And I promise if its the last thing I do while I'm alive I will get Lavender back." Mr Barloc was sitting at his desk refusing to face me. "I will search every last inch of Remnant to find her. But if you can do me this favor I promise I will bring her home."

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep." He sounded like he was going to cry, but I know he wouldn't let anyone see him do so.

"Sir, that is a promise I will keep. I would drain every ounce of blood out of my body if it meant bringing her home.  And I will do what ever it takes and you know I don't take a task I can't finish." I kneeled down and had a tear slide down my face. "Sir please just give me this job and I can pick up information and go from there. You don't even have to worry about paying me I don't need the money. Please sir. I will do anything. I'll even give you the jewel my mother left me when she died."

"Keep your things I have no need for them, I'll accept your request, but if you fail. Don't come back here. I can't handle that I've already lost enough."

I left his office and quickly grabbed a change of clothes, my wallet and my battle gear. I had people think I was crazy already for carrying around Lavender's dragon but that's only because they don't understand what I went through.

Before I left for Atlas I decided to stop by The Patch to check up on Yang and see if Ruby had woken up yet. Also Yang's father said he was willing to make me a special thing so I could carry the dragon and not risk losing it during a fight or other activities.

I knocked on the door and I was surprised to see Ruby opening the door. "Ancelote! Hey how are things?"

"Well other than not having found Lavender yet... I guess as good as it can." I looked away from her and down to the ground.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I keep making people feel worse." She started rambling.

"Ruby it's fine, you didn't know. You didn't make me feel worse I felt like this since I fell out of the ship." I hugged her and it seemed to calm her down a bit. "Ruby people tend to feel like shit after battles especially during wars. Some people can adjust to where is doesn't bother them as much and others never do."

"How do you know so much?" Ruby let me come in and we sat down.

"I've been in battle more times than I can count. I've seem men not be able to handle it and try to kill themselves. I've had men beg me not to heal them and let them die. And I've also seen men who adapted but they still saw the people they hurt or that hurt them. I've also seen a man who adapted and grew a cold heart and a taste to kill no matter got in the way" I looked at her dog that slept in the corner.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" I don't think she meant to ask that because she immediately covered her mouth.

I laughed before I closed my eyes to stop a tear from spilling out. "Yea. I killed one person. I didn't realize I was setting Arthur up to die until after I had made him fall out of the ship."

"Does the rest of your team know?" She asked me sounding worried.

"Everyone that rode that ship from Beacon that night knows. And my team decided it was best to go home after that night. I only agreed so they wouldn't feel bad about leaving me alone."  I opened my eyes and Ruby was crying.

"Do you not have any family?"

"My only family left is Lavender the rest is dead. Honestly I inherited everything my father had but I don't have a need for it. Literally I agree to take it so I could take care of Lavender."  I stood up and hugged her. "Hey if you ever need anything give me a message I'll help you out. Even if you have to send a letter. I have more than I need."

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