Chapter one - "Welcome to La La land"

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"Are we nearly there yet?" My seven year old sister Emma asks for the hundredth time. It's been three hours since we first started our journey.

"Nearly Em, nearly." I sigh. I'm struggling with the distance, so I'm not surprised that a seven year old isn't taking it that easy.

"Why can't we just stay in a hotel like we did last night?" She complains. I quickly glance in the rear view mirror to see she's rubbing her eyes.

I stop at a red light and turn towards her, offering a sympathetic smile. "Because mom and dad are waiting for us. It won't be much longer, sweetie"

Thankfully, it doesn't take long for Emma to fall back to sleep. I don't blame her, we left our old house in New York early two days ago. Since then we've taken a nine hour flight, stayed at a motel, and now we're back on the road again.

Two coffees and a lot of traffic later, I finally park outside the two story house.

After getting out of my car, I stuff my keys and phone in my bag

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After getting out of my car, I stuff my keys and phone in my bag. Emma's still asleep so I carefully carry her inside. I unlock the door using the keys that my parents gave me before the left New York. Mom and dad walk out into the foyer, giving me a silent wave. I offer them a smile, before nodding towards the stairs to let them know I'm going to put Emma to bed.

Mom and dad left a few days earlier than Emma and I. We decided that it would better for Emma if the house was ready when she arrived, which is why we're arriving later.

Once I've put Emma into bed I leave her room and clothes the door, finally taking the time to look around  the new house. The walls are a warm cream with a few family photos hung up in random places. The stairs is the shape of an L and the hall itself is quite big and spacious.

"You both must be tired after the journey" My mom says pouring some coffee into a mug and handing it to me

"Tired would be an understatement" I say taking a sip of the coffee

"Well you've got two days to get yourself sorted" My dad says making his way to the living room where my mum has just gone

I follow them and sit down on the comfy, furry armchair where my whole body practically fits onto it

"Before you start Redwater Highschool" My mom answers instead

"Wait what? 2 days is all I get before I have to go to school"

"Sophie you know how important school is now that you're in senior year" I roll my eyes at my moms response

After a few minutes I excuse myself to go have a shower, knowing that all my stuff is already in my room and unpacked for me makes it easier. To be honest I dont know why my parents unpacked for us because they dont usually do stuff like that on a daily basis.

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