Chapter thirty-one - "you listened to me"

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"Everybody get up we're leaving in ten minutes" Kelsey shouts the next morning

I roll my eyes but get out of bed because I know she'll leave without me

"Where are we going?" I ask walking into the kitchen dyer I get ready

"It's a surprise" she says

A few minutes later we're at the side of a cliff

"Seriously Kelsey" Luke complains "you know I'm scared of heights"

I laugh and Luke gives me a death glare

"Come on Luke it'll be fun, it's something you've never done before" she responds

"Probably because I'm scared of heights" He retorts

I don't get to even think about laughing when Kayden wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up

"Kayden" I shout and he throws me so that I'll end up in the water

I land in the water and once I come up, I shout up to everyone who's looking down from the top "You're so dead"

I can sense Kayden's smirk from the top of the cliff

Kelsey is the next to jump and none of the boys make an attempt

"What's up?" Kelsey shouts "are ye scared"

They don't respond

"Oh my god, they are" I shout loud enough for them to hear

"As if" Connor says and jumps

Will makes an attempt to jump next but grabs Luke's arm to stop himself from actually jumping, but that failed and they both ended up falling causing everyone to laugh

Kels whispers a plan in my ear and starts shouting taunts to the boys. I dive under the water and swim to the ladder it had up to the top of the cliff making sure no one can see me

Kayden and Reece are still at the top pretending they just weren't in the mood for jumping in the water when I was behind them. They were standing close enough to the edge of the cliff so they could shout down and close enough together for me to be able to push both of them

"Wher-" Reece starts and I push them both

They both scream on there way down and everyone laughs

"I hate ye" Reece shouts and I laugh harder

After I've sobered jump from the cliff and do a flip mid air

"You're such a bitch" Kayden mutters once I come up to the surface

I smirk "you should be proud you faced your fear"

"I wasn't scared" he grinds his teeth together

"And I'm a boy" I joke moving to on front of him

When I'm on front of Kayden, I make eye contact at a stern looking William looking right at me

"Seriously" I move away out of view of William "I wasn't even touching you can we not just talk"

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