Chapter 3 - "learnt your lesson"

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"Sophhhh" Emma shouts running over to me when I get home from school that day

"Em" I say as I pick her up into my arms "how was your first day"

She smiles nodding "it was really good. I made loads of friends my boyfriends name is Jack"

I smile "Jack? Wow"

"Ya we are going to get married"

"And when will I meet Jack?" I ask

"We are having a date on the beach this weekend"

"Wow" I say and out her down "you go and get your shoes and get ready to go for ice cream"

She nods her head and runs off up to her room

I run up to my room and hide the flask I took off Kayden that I've been hiding in my tracksuit pocket all day under my pillow

There's a bit left because I didn't want to be anyway tipsy when I knew that me and Em would be going to get ice cream later and I knew the amount I could drink without getting that way

I grab my purse and my phone before going down to the kitchen to say a quick hello to my mom

"Hey mom" I say walking into the kitchen

"Sophia I've to have words with you about earlier" my mother says crossing her arms

Damn it! I forgot about that...

"Actually I have to bring Emma to get ice cream we don't want it to melt now do we" I say walking fastly into the hall and picking Em up into my arms "say bye bye to mom"

"Bye bye mom" Em says just before I shut the door

"Soph-" my moms shout it cut out by the door

I put Emma back on the ground and hold her hand as we walk to the main part of the town which is only around a three minute walk

I know all this because I done all my research before I even got here

We walk into 'Macie's ice cream cafe' which was empty enough considering everyone was on the beach in the hot weather

"What can I get ye" the girl behind the desk asks and look up immediately noticing the voice


"Sophia oh my god long time no see" she laughs and her attention diverts to Emma "and who is this little cutie pie"

"I'm Emma"

"Hey Emma I'm Maddie your sisters friend"

"I have a friend called Maddie at school" Emma says

"Wow well she has a really cool name" Maddie says causing Emma to laugh "so what can I get you guys?"

"I'll have two scoops of chocolate ice cream please" I smile

"Can I have two scoops of strawberry ice cream please" Emma says

"Coming right up" she says and disappears for minute before coming back with two cups of ice cream "here ye go"

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