Chapter Five - "That isnt me"

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"So are we still on for tonight?" Rachel asks me and Maddie as we walk out of school after the last bell of the day went

"Couldn't think of a better way to spend my Friday night" I say

I've already finished my first week of school and to be honest I'm really glad that me and my friends are going clubbing tonight because ever since the fight with my parents, we've been giving each other the silent treatment and the only reason I ever go home is to see Emma

I snook out of Kayden's house an hour before my alarm was due to go off on Tuesday morning just so that I could get home before my parents got up, and now me and Kayden don't really talk anymore and if we do its in chemistry so rumours have died down about us having history

"When is your shift over Mads?" I ask just as we stop at her car

"Seven so I should be at Rach's by half past tops"

"Sounds cool, guess I'll see you then"

"See you guys than" Maddie gets into he car and me and Rachel keep walking, I gave her a ride to school today so we don't have to go separate ways to her car

Once we get to my car, I stop when I'm just about to get in when I see Kayden and Michaela - a bitch from a year under us - sticking their tongues down each others throats at the corner of the school

Rachel must of noticed that I was distracted because she looks over in the direction of them "are you sure you and Kayden don't have history, you look jealous"

I look away from them and get into my car just as Rachel does too "jealous? No, I was just wondering how anyone would be stupid enough to look twice at him"

Rachel eyes me suspiciously but I just act normal, I'm definitely not jealous because of Kayden

I start to drive away when Rachel speaks again "you never answered my question about history" she smirks

"Nope I'm pretty sure Mr Banks hasn't called him out in the roll in any of my history classes" I reply grinning at her

"But you guys do have chemistry"

"According to Mrs Moffatt yes"

"You know the truth will always come out in this small town" Rachel says just before getting out of my car when I pull up at her house

I roll my eyes hoping she's wrong and grab my Baby pink Nike bag before I get out of the car and follow her inside

"So my parents aren't home and they won't be because they are staying in Arizona because of work so feel free to bring someone home" she laughs

"I think I might skip that" I laugh

Me and Rachel lie on the corner couch in her living room watching Teen Wolf and before we know it Maddie has already arrived

"You're early" Rachel says sitting up

"Got off early from work Macie said it was ok" she says sitting down "you guys haven't started getting ready yet?"

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