Chapter forty-five - "I don't even want to look"

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"So how's your first day going?" Will asks sitting down in the cafeteria

"Shit" I take a bite of my burger, chew and swallow "I'm really thinking about leaving again"

It's been a few weeks since I filled in the forms to come back to school. Kai was five months already, Kayden was still staying at my house most nights unless he had work and Helen was being even more helpful, now that she minds Kai during the day

Everyone had been staring at me all day, not that it felt like anything had changed, we sat at our usual table if the cafeteria, the only difference was Ali replaced Kelsey

"I'm sure it will get better" Will says not believing what he is saying

"How come you can eat a burger a chips for lunch and still have a better body than me" Ali complains sitting down beside me with her chicken salad

Reece and Kayden sit down

"What are ye talking about now?" Reece asks

"Sophia's body" Will says

"Kayden would know first hand about that" Ali smirks and Reece sniggers

"Where's Luke and Connor?" I ask changing the subject

"Luke's trying to teach Connor how to drive" Kayden says

"Connor can't drive?" I raise my eyebrow

"Nope, definitely not" Will says "I tried to teach him first he's terrible"

I laugh but it dies down when all of our phones beep

"I don't even want to look" Ali mutters but we all do anyway

Did you miss me? I'm back bitches, but it's not just me that's back is it? Welcome back to our very own New York slut Sophia

It's time for some home truths, that your friends and everyone around you have been keeping from you

Here's a picture from Saturday night, the night you were home alone with your little boy while his daddy was, let me guess, working

Here's a picture from Saturday night, the night you were home alone with your little boy while his daddy was, let me guess, working

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You see this is your baby daddy's new girlfriend Chelsea, I bet you didn't know about that. She actually replaced you at your job, bet that's gotta hurt

But to celebrate the end of Kayden and Sophia here's a photo of them together

But to celebrate the end of Kayden and Sophia here's a photo of them together

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