Chapter forty-eight - "Then you came"

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Last chapter guys! Just want to say a big thank you to everyone that had read this far and I hope you enjoy💗 it's also a very special 2500 words

"Sophia there you are" Ali runs over to me lunch that Friday, Mrs Moffatt decided we would stay back on weekends instead of lunches starting next weekend

"What's up?" I raise my eyebrow

"You changed your outfit" she states looking at me "and you done your hair"

I look at my outfit. I was wearing a grey jumper dress, my oversized jacket and a pair of thigh length black boots. I had my hair in a sleepy straight high ponytail and for once my make up was done

The old Sophia was making a return

"You look bomb" she concludes and I smile "but that's not what I was meant to say, did you hear the announcement?"

"What announcement?"

"The balls tonight"

"What ball?" I ask

Ali tuts "Sophia I've been here less time than you and even I know what the ball is. They have a ball every year and this one was forwarded to tonight"


"Yes so we're leaving school early to get ourselves some banging dresses, so get your stuff"

"I'm not going, I've got Kai and it's such short notic-"

"I already spoke to Kayden about that he said his mom would take him" she informs me "now get your shit"

We were walking out of the school towards my car when someone calls my name

I turn to the left and see Will, Connor, Luke, Reece and Kayden sitting at one of the benches

I knew it was Will that called me


"You look good, what got you out of your other clothes?" Will smirks

"They needed washing they'll be back on Monday don't worry sweetie" I smirk

Will gives me the middle finger and before I turn to walk away with Ali I make eye contact with Kayden

We keep eye contact for a second more than we should have before I turn and walk away

By the time I get in my car and start driving with Ali in the passenger seat picking what song to blast I remember why he was looking at me

I was wearing this outfit on the night we first met

Shit! How did I not remember that

"I look like a tomato" Ali says from inside the changing rooms

"Let me see" I laugh 

We had been dress shopping for an hour and we didn't have a lot of time left if we wanted to get our make up done

She opened the curtain and she was right the dress didn't go with her skin tone and it was so full on

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