Chapter fourteen - "is that a challenge"

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*only change in this chapter is Kelsey doesn't have a boyfriend*

"Sophia Grey" the consultant calls my name after an hours wait

I'm gonna be more than a little late for work

It's now Saturday and I've managed a full week in school. I just stayed out of everyone's way, but that still hasn't stopped them from making up shit about me and asking me about how good Kayden is in bed. Meanwhile he sits there like a smirking idiot with his girlfriend by his side every chance she gets. I've tried to talk to Rachael and Maddie just wanting to explain everything but they still hate me just as much as they already did

I get up and make my way into the consulting room and once I'm sitting down the brunette woman speaks "So I'm Marie and you're probably wondering why we called you back seen as you're not long out of the hospital but we were looking back over your results and we wanted to retake blood tests"

I nod "Any particular reason why?"

"There was a unusual blip in some of the tests but we need to retake your bloods so it's fresh enough for us to identify the problem" she responds "we were hoping you'd take them now so we could get the results as soon as possible"

"Ok so follow me" Marie says straightening her skirt after standing up. She leads me down the corridor and into a small room with just a hospital bed in it.

"If you just wait here, a nurse will be here. in a couple of minutes to take your bloods and then you should be free to go" she informs me

"Okay thank you" I say and while I'm waiting I text Kelsey that I'll just be a little while longer

Kelsey is the girl that is working with me tonight, I met her on Thursday night when I decided to go get drunk needless to say I was even more of a mess on Friday than I had been every other day. I've actually became really good friends with her and I'm pretty sure her and Helen and Emma are the only reasons I'm still in La. Speaking of Emma I text mother the other night asking could I see her and this ones a shocker - note the sarcasm - but she said no

The nurse came in a few minutes later and I put my phone down while she took my bloods, not letting myself worry about the reason I have to get them done again

A half an hour later I'm walking through the doors of the bar and the first person I see is Kayden, who's wearing the same thing he was wearing the night I found out he worked here, you can see he has a good body under the black shirt and he has his sleeves rolled up so you can see his toned arms. To say he looks good would be an understatement

I walk behind the bar which seems like it's got smaller seen as I had to awkwardly squeeze past Kayden who was carrying a tray to one of the few tables that were occupied

"Sorry about that the appointment took longer than expected" I say to Kelsey as I wrap my waist apron around me

"That's no problem" she says "lover boy and I didn't have much to do anyway"

I roll my eyes "I knew telling you would be a bad idea" I say playfully

"That's what you get for getting drunk " She grins "whatever Soph I'm the one that can go home tonight and have the best sex with my neighbour" she laughs "I mean you two could just kiss and make up"

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