Chapter forty one - "You've got five seconds"

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"How do you feel?" The nurse asks me for the umpteenth time this morning

"Still like I've been hit by a bus" my croaky voice responds

"Well you're getting home today so cheer up" she smiles at me before leaving the room

I roll my eyes to myself before muttering "I wish"

I'm not talking to Kayden but he knows there's nothing I can do about him coming and talking to me so he does that anyway

Helen comes to see me too and she decided that it would be best if I came to stay with them and she didn't give me a choice, most likely because she knew I'd say no

A few hours later we pull up at Helens house. She laughs when it takes me four attempts to get out of her car

"What room am I even staying in?" I ask once we walk in the front doors

"Mine" Kayden interrupts walking down the stairs

"Unfortunately he's right" Helen informs me "we managed to get a single bed so he'll be sleeping in that, while you get the double"

"And I told them what's the point in that when I've already got you pregnant"

Helen rolls her eyes "maybe if you weren't such a dick we wouldn't be having this problem"

It takes so much for me not to laugh, I mean I've heard Helen swear but this is gold

Kayden grunts before going to the living room

"You can go get changed into something comfier" Helen says "I went to your place and got most of your stuff so they're already in the room"

Helen walks towards the kitchen

"Helen" I call before she leaves and she turns around "thank you"

She smiles "no problem, and I'm not just doing it for you because you're expecting my grandson"

I change into some comfortable sweatpants before heading downstairs. It felt awkward being in Kayden's room, and I'm not going to spend any longer than I have to in it

A few hours later I'm sitting in the living room when my phone beeps. It was a message from Lisa. I smile she's the closest thing I have to a friend at the minute and texting her is better than sitting in he same room as Kayden as we both stare at the tv that neither of us are actually watching

Lisa - Wanna go out get some food? Dress up I know a fancy restaurant

I smile at my phone and it doesn't go unnoticed by Kayden. I answer her saying I'll go and she tells me she'll pick me up at 9, which gave me half an hour to get ready

I got up and went upstairs and grabbed my make up bag. I only done a minimum amount of makeup but by that I mean everything but eyeshadow and highlight. I left my hair as it was and put on a white bandeau dress

Kayden's Pov

Sophia giving me the silent treatment was really getting old. It didn't matter how many times I went to the hospital and talked to her or how many times I've tried just today nothing is working

I went to the kitchen to get a beer. Sophia was smiling at her phone and suddenly got up and left and that meant trouble

The front door slammed so I went to the living room to see if Jack was back but instead I seen Sophia getting into a certain car

Lisa's car

"For fucks sake Sophia" I mutter even though she doesn't know what Lisa done

I grab my jacket before following them

"Look who decided to join us" Lisa mutters once I get out of my car at the side of the mountain

"What's going on?" Sophia asks clueless

Lisa crosses her arms "I mean we just got out because you felt sick, why are you here Kayden"

"I told you to stay away from her"

"What?" Lisa acts clueless

"Drop the act Lisa"

"What happened?" Sophia shouts after a few minutes of me and Lisa shouting at each other

"Get in my car Sophia" I tell her taking a step towards them

Before I could take another step closer Lisa has one of her arms wrapped around Sophia's neck and the other one on her back

"Take another step and I'll push her" she moves towards the edge of the steep mountain cliff

Sophia's confusion turns to worry

"Why are you doing this?" Sophia asks, her voice shaking

"You slept with my boyfriend" Lisa shouts pushing Sophia closer to the edge. I move forward to grab Sophia but Lisa puts her hand up making me stop "then I find out you're pregnant with my date's baby. You deserved it"

"Your boyfriend?" Sophia asks


A tear falls down Sophia's cheek and I know there's more to this Mikey. Sophia froze and it looked like the only reason she wanted to be alive was for our baby

I hear the sirens to the police car, I called what felt like ages ago while I was following them, so I made my run for it and grabbed Sophia before Lisa could react

Lisa looks at me scared

"You've got five seconds" I mutter "I told you never to come near her again"

For some reason what Lisa done seemed like the least of my worry's a second later

Sophia was on the ground breathing heavily "The baby's coming"

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