Chapter forty-three "can we talk?"

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To say that I got drunk quicker than I used to was an understatement, which really pissed me off but luckily I had Allison who still isn't as good with alcohol with me

But then there's me who shouldn't go out, because once I goes out I make stupid decisions

"Bathroom sex classy" Kayden smirks while I try to clip my top back on

I roll my eyes and look in the mirror struggling with the stupid clip "I'm drunk, I'll regret this in the morning"

"I'm drunk and I know you won't" Kayden clips my top for me before running his hands down my waist

"We need to go back out" I tell him when he sucks on my neck

"You're so boring" he complains

"You're annoying" I say walking towards the door "now get over it"

I open the door and standing on front of me with a camera in her hand is Kelsey

"What are you a stalker now?"

"How much does he pay you?" She smirks

Everything she done since I met her caused my next actions

I punched her

The force caused her to stumble and for her phone to fall. I bent down and picked it up before deleting the video

"Mess with me again" I whisper in her ear "I dare you"

"Where did you go" Reece asks me smirking

"To hit your ex girlfriend" I retort

"Did you actual-"

"She just punched Kelsey" Kayden walks up and announces to everyone at the table

Will walks over to me a few minutes later. We haven't talked all night, we just avoided each other

"Can we talk?" He asks nervously

I nod and we go outside

"I'm sorry" he says as soon as we get out "I shouldn't have acted the way I acted, I was actually happy for you but then I thought because Kelsey was upset I should be and then it got out of hand and I-"

"It's ok" I interrupt him

"What?" He looks shocked

"It's fine" I tell him "I've been through so much since then, that's nothing"

"I'm so sorry" he says

"Shut up you idiot, it's fine" I smile at him

"So what have I missed out on?" He asks me acting like we've never stopped talking

"Not much" I tell him "just got pushed down my porch steps by some psycho who Kayden went on a date with, which I walked in to with his mum"

"Did you hit her?" He gasps

"Nope, just pretended I didn't know them" I tell him "seemingly she knew though and when they offerend to drop me home because I had no way back she found out where I lived. So she came back later and pushed me down the steps"

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