Chapter thirty-three - "wait and see"

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I wake up the next morning to a name being called "Kayden" a voice that I recognise to be his moms voice shouts

"Kayden you have ten seconds to get up or I'm coming in with a pot of cold water" She starts counting down from ten and her voice gets louder and louder

I hit Kayden and he wakes up "What th-"

I cover his mouth so he shuts up and then he hears his moms voice

"Let her see you" he smirks whispering as she's on five

"I actually like Helen and I'm not running that by her seeing me in bed with you"

He laughs "I could almost be offended"

He reaches down and grabs my clothes before smirking and muttering 'my turn' and the next thing I knew he pushed me off his bed

"Kayden" Helen shouts and I get just about enough time to get under his bed before she walks in

"What?" He mutters

"Did you just magically forget you have a hospital appointment this morning"

Kayden stays quiet

"You've got ten minutes to be downstairs and getting into your car or I will drag you there holding your hand" Helen says "isn't that Sophia's top?"

"Oh ya" he starts and he sounds like he's deciding whether or not to give me a reason to kill him "she was working last night and she came over with my jacket because I left it there when I was working but she was soaked so I gave her one of mine"

"And it's lying on your bedroom floor?"

"I told her to get changed in my room so she didn't have to get changed on front of me" he says causally "then she got a phone call and have to rush off"

Helen stays quiet for a minute "Well that's nice of you" and before she closes the door she shouts "You've eight minutes"

"You're a dick" I mutter grabbing my top and putting it on

"What happened your face?" He asks putting his top over his head

It takes me a second to realise what he's talking about "Demi"

"I thought you could fight" he smirks

"I can" I state "but she got scared and ran away"

"What's your hospital appointment?"

"Check up on my arm" he smirks

"Like there's anything wrong with it" I wink "now go before you're mum kills you"

"You can let yourself out" he smirks

I grab my stuff and leave as soon as I knows it was my safe. I parked my car a few cars down so I wouldn't be noticed

I get home and change into my gym clothes even though I'm not planning on going to the gym. I watched an episode of Gossip girl and cleaned the house and a few minutes later I got a message from Kelsey

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