Chapter thirty-nine - "hopefully we meet again"

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To say pregnancy wasn't my favourite thing in the world would be an understatement. It's been a few weeks since me and Kayden announced we were having a baby boy but the weeks consisted of the same thing. I wasn't turning up to school much for more than one reason, the morning sickness I'm getting seems to last all day and it's really bad, I was sick of everybody staring and I'm more focused on getting ready for the baby

I don't really talk to anyone anymore which is a bad thing because I'm always stuck in the house now but I'm not in the mood for pretending like William and Kelsey are my friends, especially when they proved they're not

"Sophia you have to get out of this house" Helen scolds me for the hundredth time this week, and it's only Monday

"I know I do" I walk back to the kitchen where I'm cleaning up "I'm just back from dropping Emma off back home"

She sits down at the island "how did your parents take it?"

I hand her a mug of tea "they tried to shout at me but then I reminded them that they have nothing to do with me"

"What about your friends?" She asks

"What about them?"

"It's not good for you to be like this while you're pregnant, or at all, the only people you talk to is me, Kayden and Emma"she doesn't give me time to answer her "get ready we're going to go out for food"

"Bu-" I start but Helen gets up to walk away

"I'll be back in half an hour"

I huff and go to my room before brushing my hair to make it neared and quickly run a straightener through it. I put on one of my many pink rabies dresses and thigh high boots to match. I decided I'd make an effort and put on a small bit of make up to cover up my tiredness

Helen beeped the horn outside after I got a bit of cleaning up done, for some reason going out made me feel better, like I wanted to get out and be me again

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Helen beeped the horn outside after I got a bit of cleaning up done, for some reason going out made me feel better, like I wanted to get out and be me again

"Well look who made an effort" Helen drives off while I put my seatbelt on

"I try" I smile

The whole journey I felt happy to be out of the house properly for the first time in days, almost weeks. Even Helen seemed less stressed  like she wasn't worrying about me as much

We got to the fancy restaurant I've never been to before a few minutes later, it always seemed busy every time I drove past

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