Chapter thirty-eight - "famous last words"

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"You sure you want to do this?" Kayden asks me shirtlessly lying in my bed

I nod and look at myself in the mirror "what's the worst that could happen"

"Famous last words" he grins

I roll my eyes and look at myself in the mirror. Somehow me and Kayden decided I was just going to go to school with my bump showing, so I got up a bit earlier today to fix my hair and do make up. I decided to just wear some of my workout clothes

"You should get out of bed we're going to be late" I grow a shirt at him

Luckily he had some clean clothes left at my house from ages ago

We got some breakfast and a few minutes later we were sitting in Kayden's car on our way

"You still wanna do it?" He smirks waiting for me to chicken out

"Seems like your more scared than me" I grin

"As if" he starts "but now that I can't get any other girls you're going to have to feel their space"

I roll my eyes and laugh "that's totally going to happen"

"Sure is" he confidentially says pulling into his usual parking space

We got out of the car and immediately the people outside started staring

"I change my mind" I mutter walking beside Kayden

"I'll help make up for it later" he smirks and wraps his arm around my waist

"That'd be good" I wink knowing I mean something else than he's insinuating

The day went long, everyone was staring and to make things better Will and Kelsey were pretending they didn't even know me and Connor wouldn't leave Will

I was sitting with the boys at break

"So have the teachers said anything?" Luke asks on the other side of the table

"I think they know not too, none of them liked me anyway" I tell him and Reece walks towards us sitting down beside Luke

"You're not with Kelsey?" I ask surprised he's not doing what Connor is and staying with Kelsey

He shakes his head "I know when she's wrong and I'm not scared to tell her that"

I nod and Kayden sits down beside me. A minute later Demi walks up to us She bends down her face inches from mine

"So you're pregnant now" she started to get the attention of everyone else in the cafeteria "but I don't think it's Kayden's baby" she laughs "actually I know it's not, you're too much of a slut to settle down with one person"

I stand up causing Demi to have to too "just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I've lost my voice, so if I were you if shut up"

"I'll hit your stomach again" she snaps speaking, Well shouting, louder than she'd thought "and this time it might work"

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