Chapter thirty-five - "whats different about this time"

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We walked into the ball after an hours drive. It was being held in a hotel in a bigger town next to ours and we all got there by the bus, we got on at the school

Everyone had booked rooms if we weren't driving ourselves back home and the hotel is big enough for me, Kelsey, William, Reece, Luke, Connor and Kayden to share a room

We walked through the doors of the dimly lit up room after we had put our duffle bags in our room. The circular tables were lit by candles and there were chandeliers around the room and spotlights focusing on the dance floor. There were photos of the whole year up on the walls and on front of the main wall was the dj's set up for the night.

A lot of people were already dancing with some people sitting in the designated seats. Luckily Kelsey was on the organising committee so our group got to sit together

"Soph lets go check our makeup" Kelsey says standing up

I nod and get up and a few seconds later we're in the empty restroom

"What's up?" I fix my lipstick

She leans against the counter facing the opposite way as the mirror and huffs "I'm sick of it being so awkward whenever we're all together"

I laugh "I mean, I think we've all came a bit further scene as we've talked more tonight that we have in the last week"

"But it's because of me and Reece" she rolls her eyes "how did you make it not awkward with Kayden?"

I cough awkwardly "it was a secret" I turn and lean against the counter "it sounds stupid but we had to make everything seem normal so it felt normal"

"What'll I do?" She asks me

"Get drunk" I laugh and she gives me a look "I'm just joking don't that'll just make things worse" I tell her "I think you should just go out there and act like the normal you making comments about him checking out other girls"

She nods and gives me a hug "What'd I do without you"

We go back out to the main part of the ball and take our seats because food was being served. Kelsey was sitting beside Reece and I was directly on front of her in the circular table

"You know you could stop looking at her ass and ear your actual food" she smirks

He chokes on his drink and I try to hide my laugh

When he finishes coughing he rolls his eyes "that wouldn't be fun would it?"

And just like that a few minutes later everything was back to normal

Someone coughs at the top of the table a few minutes later and I look up to see it's Demi

"What do you want?" I aroll my eyes

She rolls her eyes and puts her hand on Kayden's shoulder and try's to be seductive "baby lets dance"

I fail to hide me snigger at her shit sexy voice

Kayden glares at me not turning to look at Demi "I think I'll pass"

Demi scoffs and stomps off

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