Chapter nine - "difference between life or death"

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I feel a presence sit beside me but my eyes won't open so I can't see who it is

"I'm sorry phia" The voice mutters and I immediately know it's Kayden picking up my hand in his "I should of just reacted quicker and pushed you out of the way"

"The nurse said that you mightn't actually wake up" He says his hand gripping mine but I don't have the strength to open my eyes or squeeze his hand "and it's my fault"

"Everyone else is just gone home for the night it's still only seven so they should be back later"

He laughs to himself "I think this is the longest conversation we've had without fighting"

After a few frustrating minutes of trying to open my eyes the finally open and the light causes me to quickly close them again

"Who knew that's all it took to make the bad boy cry" My voice comes out in a hoarse whisper but I still manage to smile even though everywhere is hurting

Kayden looks up shocked but try's to cover his shock with cockiness "only for you"

"You're still a dick" I breath out trying to sit up but fail

He stands up and leans across me "well I can show you mine to cheer you up"

I roll my eyes and take the cup of water he gives me "How about you leave?" I suggest after taking a sip

I shakes his head and takes a seat on the bottom of my bed after sitting me up "no can do babe, I'm not letting anything bad happen to you again"

"It's not your fault Kayd" I mutter

"What?" He asks

"I heard you" I say making eye contact "what happened last night isn't your fault"

"Of course it was, I shouldn't have let you walk away, I should have reacted faster, just done something"

"There was nothing you could of done something had to go wrong"

He shakes his head but stays quiet

I look at his face and the bags he has under his eyes, he looks wrecked "you look like shit did you get any sleep?" I ask and he looks away from the window to me with a smirk on his face

"Let's just say hospital chairs aren't that comfy and when I did get to sleep I was told I could come up here. But you look like shit"

I give him my middle finger but before I get to say anything Rachel, Maddie and the boys walk into the room

"How are you feeling Soph. You look like you've been hit by a car" Rachel says without thinking but straight away realises her mistake "shit Soph I'm so sorry"

I laugh but stop when it hurts "it's ok Rach I would of said the same thing"

"We brought you some of your clothes and pyjamas" she informs me smiling

"Thanks" I smile

"How are you feeling?" Maddie asks once they've all sat down

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