Chapter thirty - "everything ok?"

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"Sophia" Kelsey shouts "shut up"

I laugh at the pissed off teenagers giving me evil eyes "I'm sorry does someone have a hangover" I grin putting the pots and pans down

"You're a bitch" Kayden complains

I wink "are we not going?"

"What?" Kels raises an eyebrow

"Remember we'll do it first thing in the morning" I smirk

"Oh ya" she mutters still not knowing what I'm talking about

"To your beach house you idiot" Reece deadpans

"I knew it all along you dick" she lies and Reece smirks

Kelsey stands up and fixes her hair "Well come on then we've got a beach house to get ready for"

"You're actually going?" Will asks

"Yes now get up and get your shit and come back here in two hours"

Everyone leaves to go get there stuff and stupid me not actually expecting us to go didn't have anything ready. I had a shower and packed a bag while I let my hair dry. I done my hair and clipped it back while I done some natural enough make up and I quickly changed into a comfortable outfit

By the time I was finished Will and Connor were back at my house. Luke was next, then it was Kayden and the it was Reece and Kelsey

Kelsey and Luke went in Reece's car, while Kayden, Will and Connor came in my car

"How long is this journey" Connor whines after and hour

"Connor we've been in this car for an hour" Kayden rolls his eyes beside me

"We've got another three hours" Will complains looking up from his phone

"I can leave you both here if that's what ye want" I tell them

"Nope we're good" Connor quickly says

They shut up for a few minutes and Kayden's hand makes its way to the top of my thigh. He smirks when I stiffen and his fingers trace shapes further and further up my thigh

I cough "I'm driving"

He smirks and takes his hand off my thigh

"Can we go into this store I really need coffee" Connor pleads

I pull into the store and Connor and Kayden decide to go in and get supplies

"Did you suddenly forget everything I said in the pool?" Will comments not sounding happy

"What?" I raise an eyebrow already pissed off at Will's interference

"You and Kayden" he snaps "You're all over each other one minute and the next you'll be fighting because your both jealous"

"It's got nothing to do with you" I say looking straight ahead my voice slightly raised

"It does if I'm the one that has to listen to you shouting" he raises his voice louder "come on Sophia you even had a pregnancy scare"

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