Chapter twenty-one - "This is Sophia"

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I'm woken up on Friday morning to my front door being banged on. I get out of bed after a minute of procrastinating and walk into the kitchen rubbing my eyes

I open the door while the person is just about to jot it again

"What do you want?" I mutter to Kayden

He walks in and closes the door after him, I boil the kettle and put some bread in the toaster

"Good morning to you too Phia" he sarcastically says "I'm here to give you your dress of course"

I turn around to catch him looking far lower than my face

"Eyes are up here babe" I clarify with my arms crossed and a smirk on my face

He rolls his eyes "where are you expecting me to look when your wearing half a top and a skimpy tight pair of shorts"

I roll my eyes laughing at his straightness

"You should probably get changed" he adds "they guys and Kelsey are on their way"

"That's totally the reason I should get changed" I smirk walking past him with extra sway in my hips "you know where the shower is"

♡ ♡ ♡

"Kayden who the hell picked these dresses? I though you wanted your parents to like me"

He smirks "My parents can like you and I can still benefit from it"

I hit his chest "My boobs will literally fall out of these"

He smirk grows "I don't have a problem with that" he try's to make a straight face when he sees my reaction "Sophia there was loads of skimpier dresses I could've got you and who cares if my parents don't like you it's another way to piss them off"

I roll my eyes "well tonight will be interesting"

"We're here" Kelsey shouts opening my front door

Connor smirks "Do you ever wear clothes on front of Kayden Sophia?"

"Nope" I say taking a sip of my water

"So what are you wearing?" Will asks me and Kayden laughs

"I'll show ye" I say to both Will and Kelsey not needing to say their names as the others were having there own conversation

We go into my room and they take in the dresses I have on my bed

"His parents are going to hate you"

"Thanks Kels" I sarcastically respond

"I mean what's the worst that can happen" Will starts "they could find out about your guys history"

"Oh I'm so glad I'm moving to yer school next week"

An hour later I've had a shower and put on a pair of fitted grey tracksuits and black sweatshirt. We decided to go out for lunch seen as none of us ate breakfast and now we're just back at my place

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