Chapter twenty-five - "Are you his girlfriend?"

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I stayed up until twelve last night watching snapchats of everyone that was out and texting Kelsey because she was telling me what was happening and her drunk texts are hilarious

It's currently seven thirty eight in the morning and I'm pretty sure I got about four hours sleep in total because Mason likes to start crying every while, so I've taken him out of his cot and turned on Netflix on my tv and left him lying on my chest to see if he can get anymore sleep

I rub his back muttering songs to help him sleep

Mason falls back to sleep until eleven and when he wakes up I decide it's time for us to get ready because I've got to go to town today

I get Mason changed first and change his nappy because I haven't changed it since six. I put on some breakfast for the both of us and put him in his chair with his teddy

I change into a comfy but pretty outfit and quickly do my makeup while Mason giggles beside me 

Once we've both eaten, I put a jacket and shoes on Mason and lift him up. I put him into the booster seat that Will put in my car last night making sure he's safe. After a bit less than a half an hour journey because of the traffic I park in the parking lot of the mall I was at yesterday

I take the pram that I put in the booth out and set it up to put Mason in. Once I have him in the pram with his teddy and we go into the store to buy food and get out of the heat

I only had to pick up some baby food and a few dinners so I only spend a bit over ten minutes in the store, but I didn't want to waste the journey so I went into the baby store and accidentally bought Mason loads of toys and clothes

I put the bags in the back of my car and go into Starbucks. Once I've got my drink I sit down at the corner so I can fit Masons pram beside me

I'm playing with a toy with Mason when my phone rings and I pick it up to see it's Helen ringing me. I pick it up straight away because I knew she wouldn't ring for no reason

"Hey everything ok?" I ask

"Not really" she stops for a minute sounding upset "Kayden's been in a car accident, he's in the hospital but there's no flights out of here until tonight so I can't get back" She panics and continues on rambling

"Calm down, I'll go to the hospital" I start beginning to worry myself "and see if he's ok and if he's fine you stay there because it's important and if he's not catch the next flight out"

"Thank you Sophia" she says starting to sober up "I'm sorry about all this"

"It's fine don't worry Helen" I say already back at my car

We ended the call and a few minutes later, I pull into the hospital parking lot

"How may I help you miss?" the woman behind the counter asks me

"I'm looking for Kayden Ryder" I say fixing Mason in my arms because I was in too much of a rush to get the pram

She types something into the computer "he's in room 352b on the fourth level"

I thank her and get into the elevator. I point at at us in the mirror "who's that?" I ask him and he giggles pointing at the mirror

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