Chapter nineteen - "hate me"

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I wake up the next morning to the sound of a photo being taken. I open my eyes to see that I'm lying on a tanned chest, my hand resting on the toned abs while my leg is straddling him

I sit up rubbing my eyes and so does the person beside me, who I look over to see is Kayden

"Looks like one of us got what we wanted last night" Reece grunts with a smirking Kelsey beside him with a phone in her hand

"Nope Sophia here is more into teasing" Kayden rolls his eyes

I smirk last nights events coming back to me

"Doesn't matter that photo makes it look like otherwise" Kelsey's smirk widens "whats RWH's number again Reece?"

"You wouldn't" I raise a brow to her

"Watch me" she says and runs out of my sight

I hop out of the bed and run downstairs after her. We end up on both ends of the island that Connor and Luke are currently sitting at

Connor wolf whistles and Luke grins "well someone isn't shy"

I roll my eyes and answer not bothered that I'm basically in nothing "if you got it flaunt it" I wink

"So I'm assuming Kayden got what he wanted last night" Connor smirks

"Nope" I lean against the counter "there's nothing wrong with teasing though is there"

"What are you guys talking about?" Kayden asks walking into the kitchen

"I don't think you want to know mate" Luke smirks

Kayden turns around and smirks "Bit of deja vu ey Sophia but weren't you in even less last time" His smirk widens

"Ha Ha Ha" I respond sarcastically

"Oh wait Sophia could you get me a glass" Connor asks "I'm mean I'm sure you know where they are you've been here a lot"

Everyone laughs including Kelsey who's put her phone down

I roll my eyes and sit down on a stool "Can I borrow someone's clothes I'm not putting that dress back on"

"You know where my wardrobe is too" Kayden smirks

"I hate you guys"

♡ ♡ ♡

"Bye bitches" Kelsey says getting out of Kayden's car

It's now around 2pm and Kayden's dropping everyone home after we decided to go out for breakfast. Luke and Connor stayed to probably go to the mall and drool over girls and now that Kelsey's gone it's just me , Kayden and Reece

Once Kelsey shuts the door behind her Reece mutters to himself "that girl is so hard to crack"

Kayden laughs at his statement and the conversation immediately changes to another topic about a game they've got coming up or something

Reece gets out of the car a few minutes later after Kayden pulls up on his street

"And then there was two" Kayden says driving off

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