Chapter forty-four - "A moment"

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"Did your mommy and daddy get a bit too drunk last night" Will smirks. Reece is standing at the door with a smirk on his face while holding Kai in his hands

"You're a dick" I mutter and throw a pillow at him from the couch

"Mommy has a potty mouth too" Reece laughs looking at Kai

"Where's Kayden anyway?" Reece asks


A few hours later Ali comes over with papers from school. Kayden was god knows where, probably at his house and I had Kai cuddling up to me while I watched greys anatomy

"It's just you and Kai" Ali concludes bouncing Kai in her arms. She had just introduced herself to him as his favourite aunt, mainly because she had brought him loads of toys

"Mhm" I mutter at the tv and not looking at her

I can sense her wonder "where is he?"

I shrug "Texas for all I know"

Ali sits back and raises an eyebrow. She had no makeup on but she still looks as flawless as usual, which surprised me for someone who was drunker than me last night. She doesn't look hungover where as I look a mess, my curled hair from last night is down even though I'd prefer it wasn't, and the bags under my eyes are showing because I'm not wearing make up

"What's up?"

I let out a breath, deciding whether or not to tell her

"We slept together last night"

Ali gasps over-exaggerating

"And now it's so awkward between us" I tell her honestly "he went straight to the gym this morning as soon as we woke up"

"Soph it's you and Kayden we're taking about, you guys will be back to pissing each other off and winding each other up by tomorrow"

I smile and nod hoping she's right

A few minutes later I tie my hair up in a high messy ponytail

"That's why you had your hair down" she smirks looking at the hickeys down my neck

"You two really go for it"

I roll my eyes trying not to laugh at her comment

"I haven't had sex in weeks, would you blame me"

She nods "tell me about it, when you're like me and get drunk way to quick you don't get it much"

"When did you have it? When you got back?"

"In the bathroom and then here"

"You guys are so sneaky, if I wasn't so drunk I bet I would have noticed"

"Who was the last person you done it with? It's not like I'll know them"

"My ex boyfriend" she says after a few seconds but she doesn't sound upset

"What happened?"

"He was too gentle with me like I was fragile, there was no fun in the relationship. I need something like you and Kayden, reckless and fun"

"Anyone in mind?" I smirk

"Reece is so hot" she admits "we had a moment, but it's never going to turn into anything he's hardly over his ex"

"A moment" I raise an eyebrow

"It was more awkward than anything, we went to the gym once and I walked in on him in the shower, realised a bit too late though and stayed there a second too long after"

I smile, I feel Ali would be good for Reece but for once I'm not going to push it, otherwise I could ruin it

"He does tick all your boxes" I conclude and the front door opens

Kayden walks in with Reece behind him, who I'm assuming he has told about last night as Reece looks as awkward as I feel

"Hey" Allison greets them trying to lighten the mood

A few minutes later I come back from putting Kai to bed

"Did you get hit by a paintball or something on your neck?" Reece smirks

I roll my eyes but smirk "I wish, that probably would have been funner"

"Kayden, I need to show you something let's go to the bathroom" Kayden mimicks me

I stick my middle finger up at him

"That's not the one I used la-" he smirks

I put my hand over his mouth

Ali and Reece are laughing at the other side of the room

Ali winks at me with a smile on her face, she was right, we were back to pissing each other off

"You're coming back to school?" Reece looks at the sheets Ali had got me

I nod "not right now but soon, Helen agreed she'd help us with Kai and I'm not going to go in everyday"

"I can already see RWH's first text" Reece laughs

"Tell me about it" I check my phone for notifications

There was a message from an unknown number

I'm coming after you

I delete the message and pretended I never got it, it was probably just someone joking around

I hope

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