Chapter twenty-nine - "nice outfit by the way"

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"I'm here and I've got coffee" Kelsey says walking into my room the next day

I sit up in my bed and take the coffee she gives me "you look happy for someone that's got a hangover"

"What can I say" she winks sitting down on my bed

"So what happened after I left?" I wince at the memories

"Well" She starts and takes a sip of out her coffee "Kayden stormed out just after you. Will was pissed about that so he took it out on me and Reece which some how made us start talking again"

I laugh "well at least something good came out of it"

"I'd give it a few days before he pisses me off again"

I smirk "your starting to sound like me"

She rolls her eyes and laughs

"So" she says "get your hungover ass out of bed because the boys have a game today and we're going to it"

"I'm not going out after yesterday" I state

"Sophia you can't hide because everyone thinks you're pregnant everyone's going to think you are if you don't" she raises an eyebrow "you aren't are you?"

"No" I take a drink of my coffee

"You took the pregnancy test?" She raises a brow

"I bought it" I say "but I didn't take it"

"Sophia" she complains

"I know I'm not pregnant" I tell her and she rolls her eyes

"You're taking the test later" she says sternly "now get up and look hot for Kayden"

I roll my eyes and get out of bed. I go to the bathroom to do my morning routine and when I go into the kitchen, Kelsey has a smirk on her face

I raise an eyebrow "what have you done this time?"

"Nothing" she smirks "I just got your outfit"

I look at her suspiciously before I go into my room to get changed

"Kelsey" I shout once I see the outfit or lack of outfit she has lying on my bed "I'm not wearing this"

"Why not?" She walks in grinning

"I'm not wearing Kayden's jersey aft-"

"Live a little Sophia" she interrupts me "you've gotten so boring lately, the most trouble you've been causing lately is ditching class"

I let out a breath knowing she's right, somewhere in the past few weeks the fun Sophia was gone and I wanted to be fun again

I smirk "I think I have some face paint"

She laughs "you take Kayden's number and I'll take Reece's"

"They're going to think we're gone crazy" I laugh

Kels goes to find the face paint while I change into Kayden's jersey, wearing it as a dress. I put loose curls in my hair and do my daily makeup routine

Kelsey comes in a minute later and we decide to put Kayden and Reece's numbers on our cheeks

We get to the game a few minutes late so we're being looked at for two reasons but mainly because we decided to stir the pot with our outfits and face paint

The match went pretty quick, the boys were winning for most of the match and ended up winning the game

Once the game ended everyone went down to the pitch to celebrate the win

As soon as we walked up to the boys, Reece nodded towards the locker rooms where no one would be because of the win but I got what he meant

Reece smirks and makes a comment on Kelsey's outfit. I walk to the locker room and as soon as I walk in the door I smell the typical smell of a boys  locker room

I sit beside a shirtless Kayden who looks anything but what he should look like after being the reason of the win. We both sit there without saying anything in a silence that isn't awkward for a few minutes

"I'm not pregnant" I tell him still looking straight ahead

He lets out a breath of what I guess is relief because neither of us are ready to be parents

I roll my eyes sick of the tension and awkwardness after a few minutes

I lift my leg across him and straddle his lap, I put one hand on his chest and the other on his neck

Kayden is tense for a minute which proves my next sentence "it's got so awkward between us"

Kayden smirks and looks up, one of his hands slide up under the jersey that I'm wearing. His lips connect with my neck and he sucks on my sweet spot and I know it's going to leave a mark

His lips roam further around my neck until eventually our lips connect. He doesn't even have to ask for entrance because it was already given

We continue to kiss for a few minutes when I decide that someone will come looking for us if we don't go out to the field

I walk towards the door and fix my hair and outfit when a smirking Kayden decides to make his comment "nice outfit by the way, I can help you take it off later"

I turn around and wink at him before walking out to the field. Kayden came out a minute after me and Will smirks the first to notice us

"What?" I raise an eyebrow

"Your lipstick isn't smudge proof"

Kayden laughs and I roll my eyes

We ended up back at my house at 3am after the after game celebration party that was in the club that wasn't too far from my house

The party wasn't as eventful as every other one apart from everyone coming up to me and asking me if I was pregnant and how far along I am and let's not forget all the insults to do with them noticing me putting on weight

I decided not to drink tonight because it only gets me in trouble so I got to laugh at everyone stumbling back to my house

The doorbell rings a few minutes after we get back and I answer and collect the pizza that we ordered

"We should totally go to my beach house for the night tomorrow night" Kelsey suggests taking a bite out of the margarita pizza

"Suggest that when you're sober princess" I laugh

"No let's do it first thing in the morning my parents won't care"

"Sounds like a plan" the Reece says and everyone agrees

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Filler chapter but what did you guys think? What do you think will happen next?

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