Chapter thirty-four - "no one talks anymore"

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"Sophia?" Kelsey clicks her fingers on front of my face "Sophia what's up with you today we've got so much to do later"

I snap out of my trance "What sorry?"

"What's up with you today?" She asks sitting the opposite end of the table in the cafeteria

"Nothing, I just didn't get much sleep last night" I lie "too busy thinking about all the fun we'll have today"

"So we're getting our tan done at five and our nails done at six" she reminds me

"And we're picking our dresses up at eight" I finish for her "I'm really not feeling well do I have to go to this ball?"

Kelsey rolls her eyes "I told you how serious this is to everyone here and I'm not going by myself"

I nod "why do we even sit at this table no one talks anymore"

"Sweetie everyone apart from me and Reece talk" She clarifies "And you're being weird today"

"I told you I didn't get much sleep"

"And I told you I know that's not the case" she huffs "please for today and tomorrow just be the normal you"

I nod realising she's right it's not fair on Kelsey for me to suddenly be acting like this

"So what colour nails are you getting?" I smile

We got back to my house at nine with fresh tan and nails done and our dresses in hand. Kelsey was meant to stay at mine tonight but her mom texting saying she wanted her home, so she's just coming back in the morning

I managed to keep an act on for the rest of the day when in reality I felt like shit. As soon as Kelsey left I got into bed not even tired but overtired because I only slept for two hours last night

I didn't get much sleep and decided to just get up at eight even though I planned on having a sleepover. My parents agreed after a lot of begging to let Emma come over to my house for the day seen as they started not letting me see her anymore and put a coded gate up so I couldn't get through

I went to pick emma up at ten in my sweatpants that I didn't care what I looked like in. Kelsey had text me to tell me she'd be over at around one'

"Sophia" Emma shouts running up to me

"Hey Em" I say lifting her into my arms

I surprised Emma by being her shopping to get her a pretty little dress to wear today so she didn't feel left out

"Are you excited?" She asks me, holding her little shopping bag

I bring her for some ice cream and we get back to my house a few minutes before Kels got here

"Look who looks like a pretty princess in her dress" she crouches down to Emma's height

Emma giggles

"Oh yeah Soph, the boys are coming over" Kels informs me

I was going to give her one of my moody responses but I didn't for two reasons, one, because this night means a lot to her and I'm not going to ruin it and, two, I don't want anyone asking me any questions

"As long as they bring pizza" I laugh

"Is Kayden coming over?" Emma asks in her cute baby voice

"He is" I smile and give her a lollipop "now what will we watch on tv"

Emma decided she wanted to watch a princess movie and a few minutes after it started the boys were over

Me and Kelsey sat with them watching Cinderella for a few minutes but then we decided we better start our makeup. It took us a lot longer than it should have to do our makeup probably because we were to busy singing and dancing to music. I also curled my hair

I was finished my makeup before Kels, so I quickly put loose curls in my hair

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I was finished my makeup before Kels, so I quickly put loose curls in my hair

Emma walks into my room a few minutes later

"What's up Em?" I ask

"Can my makeup be done too?" She asks

"Of course" I smile and lift her on to my knee so I can do my make up

"And welcome our very own princess" I direct everyone's attention towards the door a few minutes later and Emma walks through them shyly

"Wow who's this pretty princess?" Kayden and the boys gush over Em causing her to get even more shy

Emma comes up and cuddles up to me on the couch

We played games such as hide and seek and watched loads of Disney movies for the day before the boys had to go get ready and when they got back, me and Kels our our dresses on. Mine was white with a high slit but with a bit more coverage over the stomach than Kelsey's black one

 Mine was white with a high slit but with a bit more coverage over the stomach than Kelsey's black one

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We went back to the living room and got photos taken. Kelsey and Reece obviously avoiding each other, but apart from that everybody got photos and selfies together, all of us making sure that Emma was the centre of attention

I had to drop Emma home a few minutes after we got ready, but I made sure my parents didn't see me so they couldn't criticise me and make me feel like shit and as soon as it was just me in the car, I could drop the act and want to cry but I didn't want to ruin my makeup

Once I parked in my drive, I put a smile on my face and went back in to the house

"So who's ready the ball?" Kelsey smirks

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